脱水读 >  天涯 >  煮酒论史 >  蒋委员长老婆曾公开要求美国向大陆投原子弹


楼主:大火柴888  时间:2019-06-03 03:21:48
楼主:大火柴888  时间:2019-06-03 03:21:48
楼主:大火柴888  时间:2019-06-03 03:21:48

美国名女人富留尔考尔斯(Fleur Cowles)在一九九六年出了一本书「交友并据为己有」(SHE MADE RIENDS AND KEPT THEM)。书中并谈到他丈夫麦克考尔斯(Mike Cowels),回忆一九四二年与美国罗斯福总统特使威尔基(Wendell Willkie)到重庆的事,内容极妙,全文如下:
That 31,000-mile trip was made in forty-nine days in the fastest available bomber to ensure Willkie’s safe return. Having defeated Willkie in the Presidential election campaign, President Roosevelt gave his permission for him to make the ’One World’ trip but obviously had to see him safely back to avoid being accused of having rid himself of his political opponent.
Cowles was invited to go along.
In Chungking, China, the two men finally met the Generalissimo and his wife, Mme Chiang, and discovered that the Chinese couple were comparative strangers. It was said they had married strictly for convenience, so that he might become a part of the fabulously rich Soong family who had once shaped China’s history. On this historic trip, Mme Chiang had her dangerous, short-lived affair with Wendell Willkie after a huge welcoming reception by the Generalissimo. This brief love affair had an amazing consequence. It had taken place in Mme Chiang’s secret apartment on the top floor of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Mme Chiang was so besotted by Willkie she asked to see Mike Cowles privately before they left China, pleading with him to
make sure that Willkie would beat Roosevelt in the next election for the Presidency. She offered to pay any costs!
The conversation concluded with her agitated promise: ’If Wendell could be elected, he and I would rule the world, I the Orient, Wendell the rest.’

· 宋美龄曾要美国用原子弹炸大陆
富留尔考尔斯书中又有一段,也是妙文。她说,后来在台湾见到宋美龄,宋美龄表示对美国的不满,她说 ’You Americans are fools. You have the Atom Bomb. Why don’t you throw it on China?’(你们美国人真是笨蛋,你们有原子弹,为什么不丢到中国大陆?)宋美龄对自己同胞的热爱,由此可见!

楼主:大火柴888  时间:2019-06-03 03:21:48
@叶落长安洛羽 2019-03-02 10:49:43

美国名女人富留尔考尔斯(Fleur Cowles)在一九九六年出了一本书「交友并据为己有」(SHE MADE RIENDS AND KEPT THEM)。书中并谈到他丈夫麦克考尔斯(Mike Cowels),回忆一九四二年与美国罗斯福总统特使威尔基(Wendell Willkie)到重庆的事,内容极妙,全文如下:
That 31,000-mile trip was made in forty-nine days in the fastest available bomber to ensure Willkie’s safe return. Having defeated Willkie in the Presidential election campaign, President Roosevelt gave his permission for him to make the ’One World’ trip but obviously had to see him safely back to avoid being accused of having rid himself of his political opponent.
Cowles was invited to go along.
In Chungking, China, the two men finally met the Generalissimo and his wife, Mme Chiang, and discovered that the Chinese couple were comparative strangers. It was said they had married strictly for convenience, so that he might become a part of the fabulously rich Soong family who had once shaped China’s history. On this historic trip, Mme Chiang had her dangerous, short-lived affair with Wendell Willkie after a huge welcoming reception by the Generalissimo. This brief love affair had an amazing consequence. It had taken place in Mme Chiang’s secret apartment on the top floor of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Mme Chiang was so besotted by Willkie she asked to see Mike Cowles privately before they left China, pleading with him to
make sure that Willkie would beat Roosevelt in the next election for the Presidency. She offered to pay any costs!
The conversation concluded with her agitated promise: ’If Wendell could be elected, he and I would rule the world, I the Orient, Wendell the rest.’

· 宋美龄曾要美国用原子弹炸大陆
富留尔考尔斯书中又有一段,也是妙文。她说,后来在台湾见到宋美龄,宋美龄表示对美国的不满,她说 ’You Americans are fools. You have the Atom Bomb. Why don’t you throw it on China?’(你们美国人真是笨蛋,你们有原子弹,为什么不丢到中国大陆?)宋美龄对自己同胞的热爱,由此可见!

楼主:大火柴888  时间:2019-06-03 03:21:48
@艳丽高跟鞋 2019-03-01 17:49:28

美国名女人富留尔考尔斯(Fleur Cowles)在一九九六年出了一本书「交友并据为己有」(SHE MADE RIENDS AND KEPT THEM)。书中并谈到他丈夫麦克考尔斯(Mike Cowels),回忆一九四二年与美国罗斯福总统特使威尔基(Wendell Willkie)到重庆的事,内容极妙,全文如下:
That 31,000-mile trip was made in forty-nine days in the fastest available bomber to ensure Willkie’s safe return. Having defeated Willkie in the Presidential election campaign, President Roosevelt gave his permission for him to make the ’One World’ trip but obviously had to see him safely back to avoid being accused of having rid himself of his political opponent.
Cowles was invited to go along.
In Chungking, China, the two men finally met the Generalissimo and his wife, Mme Chiang, and discovered that the Chinese couple were comparative strangers. It was said they had married strictly for convenience, so that he might become a part of the fabulously rich Soong family who had once shaped China’s history. On this historic trip, Mme Chiang had her dangerous, short-lived affair with Wendell Willkie after a huge welcoming reception by the Generalissimo. This brief love affair had an amazing consequence. It had taken place in Mme Chiang’s secret apartment on the top floor of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Mme Chiang was so besotted by Willkie she asked to see Mike Cowles privately before they left China, pleading with him to
make sure that Willkie would beat Roosevelt in the next election for the Presidency. She offered to pay any costs!
The conversation concluded with her agitated promise: ’If Wendell could be elected, he and I would rule the world, I the Orient, Wendell the rest.’

· 宋美龄曾要美国用原子弹炸大陆
富留尔考尔斯书中又有一段,也是妙文。她说,后来在台湾见到宋美龄,宋美龄表示对美国的不满,她说 ’You Americans are fools. You have the Atom Bomb. Why don’t you throw it on China?’(你们美国人真是笨蛋,你们有原子弹,为什么不丢到中国大陆?)宋美龄对自己同胞的热爱,由此可见!

楼主:大火柴888  时间:2019-06-03 03:21:48
@pafyhaaa 2019-03-02 11:07:14

美国名女人富留尔考尔斯(Fleur Cowles)在一九九六年出了一本书「交友并据为己有」(SHE MADE RIENDS AND KEPT THEM)。书中并谈到他丈夫麦克考尔斯(Mike Cowels),回忆一九四二年与美国罗斯福总统特使威尔基(Wendell Willkie)到重庆的事,内容极妙,全文如下:
That 31,000-mile trip was made in forty-nine days in the fastest available bomber to ensure Willkie’s safe return. Having defeated Willkie in the Presidential election campaign, President Roosevelt gave his permission for him to make the ’One World’ trip but obviously had to see him safely back to avoid being accused of having rid himself of his political opponent.
Cowles was invited to go along.
In Chungking, China, the two men finally met the Generalissimo and his wife, Mme Chiang, and discovered that the Chinese couple were comparative strangers. It was said they had married strictly for convenience, so that he might become a part of the fabulously rich Soong family who had once shaped China’s history. On this historic trip, Mme Chiang had her dangerous, short-lived affair with Wendell Willkie after a huge welcoming reception by the Generalissimo. This brief love affair had an amazing consequence. It had taken place in Mme Chiang’s secret apartment on the top floor of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Mme Chiang was so besotted by Willkie she asked to see Mike Cowles privately before they left China, pleading with him to
make sure that Willkie would beat Roosevelt in the next election for the Presidency. She offered to pay any costs!
The conversation concluded with her agitated promise: ’If Wendell could be elected, he and I would rule the world, I the Orient, Wendell the rest.’

· 宋美龄曾要美国用原子弹炸大陆
富留尔考尔斯书中又有一段,也是妙文。她说,后来在台湾见到宋美龄,宋美龄表示对美国的不满,她说 ’You Americans are fools. You have the Atom Bomb. Why don’t you throw it on China?’(你们美国人真是笨蛋,你们有原子弹,为什么不丢到中国大陆?)宋美龄对自己同胞的热爱,由此可见!

楼主:大火柴888  时间:2019-06-03 03:21:48
@陋室春茶暖 2019-03-02 12:06:14

美国名女人富留尔考尔斯(Fleur Cowles)在一九九六年出了一本书「交友并据为己有」(SHE MADE RIENDS AND KEPT THEM)。书中并谈到他丈夫麦克考尔斯(Mike Cowels),回忆一九四二年与美国罗斯福总统特使威尔基(Wendell Willkie)到重庆的事,内容极妙,全文如下:
That 31,000-mile trip was made in forty-nine days in the fastest available bomber to ensure Willkie’s safe return. Having defeated Willkie in the Presidential election campaign, President Roosevelt gave his permission for him to make the ’One World’ trip but obviously had to see him safely back to avoid being accused of having rid himself of his political opponent.
Cowles was invited to go along.
In Chungking, China, the two men finally met the Generalissimo and his wife, Mme Chiang, and discovered that the Chinese couple were comparative strangers. It was said they had married strictly for convenience, so that he might become a part of the fabulously rich Soong family who had once shaped China’s history. On this historic trip, Mme Chiang had her dangerous, short-lived affair with Wendell Willkie after a huge welcoming reception by the Generalissimo. This brief love affair had an amazing consequence. It had taken place in Mme Chiang’s secret apartment on the top floor of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Mme Chiang was so besotted by Willkie she asked to see Mike Cowles privately before they left China, pleading with him to
make sure that Willkie would beat Roosevelt in the next election for the Presidency. She offered to pay any costs!
The conversation concluded with her agitated promise: ’If Wendell could be elected, he and I would rule the world, I the Orient, Wendell the rest.’

· 宋美龄曾要美国用原子弹炸大陆
富留尔考尔斯书中又有一段,也是妙文。她说,后来在台湾见到宋美龄,宋美龄表示对美国的不满,她说 ’You Americans are fools. You have the Atom Bomb. Why don’t you throw it on China?’(你们美国人真是笨蛋,你们有原子弹,为什么不丢到中国大陆?)宋美龄对自己同胞的热爱,由此可见!

楼主:大火柴888  时间:2019-06-03 03:21:48
@理解肥料 2019-06-02 16:26:15




发表时间:2019-03-01 23:21:05

更新时间:2019-06-03 03:21:48


帖子来源:天涯  访问原帖




