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Future Star Wars weapons!

楼主:lgc_1991  时间:2019-02-09 18:04:22
What is gravitational density? In fact, black holes abound in the vast universe. Black holes are not uniform, but have their own characteristics. They are big or small in scale, strong or weak in momentum, old or young in age. It is reasonable to classify gravitational density. Because gravitational density basically determines the characteristics of the black hole. The higher the gravitational density, the greater the gravitational difference.

What is variable-order gravitational density? The evolution of gravitational density of natural black holes in the universe is a slow process, so basically keeping a constant value will not change. In order to satisfy certain conditions, the method of changing gravitational density is needed. For example, when a black hole spacecraft from another planet invades the solar system, it must increase the order of gravitational density in order to stealth the spacecraft from the zero-order gravitational black hole. Spacecraft with these functions are called variable-order gravitational density spacecraft.

Grade 0 gravitational black hole spacecraft: human beings in the Earth's own living environment, in and out of the spacecraft, departure and return to base. Or rely on each other's gravitational energy to get close to each other.
First-order gravitational black hole spacecraft: leaving the solar system; it can also be used to extract the material and energy of the sun.
Second-order gravitational black hole spacecraft: leaving the solar system; it can also be used to extract material and energy from the sun.
Third-order gravitational black hole spacecraft: leaving the solar system;
K-order gravitational black hole spacecraft: equal to the gravitational density of the other side, equal to the other side's forces, ready to capture the other side's black hole spacecraft.
K+1 Gravitational Black Hole Spacecraft: Capturing Black Hole Spacecraft Above the Gravitational Density of the Opposite
The Intelligence and Technology Competition between the Two Parties

K + n order gravitational black hole spacecraft: higher than the gravitational density of each other, to maximize the intensity of each other to capture the suction of their own black hole spacecraft.

The future of Star Wars is unthinkable! I don't know that intelligent creatures on other planets will be as cruel as human beings on Earth! Man is a cruel creature in this universe!




发表时间:2019-02-08 10:00:51

更新时间:2019-02-09 18:04:22


帖子来源:天涯  访问原帖




