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楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17


楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17



楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17



楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17

楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17

楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17

在 21 世纪的今天,心血管病、糖尿病、肿瘤癌症这三大杀手病还是非常严重地危害着人类健康与生命的安全。冠心病仍然还是人类健康的第一杀手。

心脏疾病属于中医 “真心痛”、“胸痹”、“眩晕”等范畴。《灵枢•厥论篇》曰:“真心痛,手足青自节,心痛甚,旦发夕死,夕发旦死。”这些症状与现代第一疾病杀手——冠心病及心肌梗塞发病症状基本类似。

冠心病西医全称为冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病,常伴有心肌梗塞与脑中风的临界发生, 多见于中老年患者。







所以,治病并非是医学的宗旨,或许也仅仅只有养病一词才是符合医学领域的最高主流医学! 正气内存,邪不可干。这正气如果用现代医学术语来解释,那就是所谓的抗体免疫力了。
所以,无论是帮生命治病的,还是帮生命养生养病的,这都是帮助生命自身的正气恢复健康, 然后让正气恢复自治自疗自愈的生理功能。


Body Resistance Strengthening & Pathogenic Factors Elimination in Traditional Chinese medicine Treatment

Distinguished leaders and colleagues. Hello everyone!
In today's 21st century, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancers have become three major killers that are greatly threatening the health and safety of our mankind. Coronary heart disease is still the No.1 killer of our human health.

In traditional Chinese medicine, cardiac disease falls to the category of "angina pectoris”, "chest apoplexy", and "dizziness”, etc. Miraculous Pivot - About Faint states, "patients with angina pectoris, bruise found from hands and feet to joints, die at sunset when suffering in the morning or die in the morning when suffering at sunset. "These symptoms are basically similar to the No.1 killer in our modern society - coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction.

Coronary heart disease is referred to as coronary atherosclerotic heart disease in western medicine science which accompanies the occurrence of myocardial infarction and cerebral apoplexy and happens on elderly patients frequently.

Suwen - About Regulating Menstruation states, "what a man has are just blood and qi".

Therefore, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine science, we should not only differentiate yin, yang, blood, and qi, but also separate temporary, effective, present, and preventive treatments. It is also necessary to specify medicine treatment and medicine caring.

The objective of traditional Chinese medicine treatment: body resistance strengthening & pathogenic factors elimination!

Thus, perhaps when diagnosing a patient with heart diseases as vessel stenosis due to coronary heart disease, a doctor will consider coronary artery bypass surgery or for stent for interventional therapy to expand blood vessels. Will it smooth qi and blood? When diagnosing a patient as bradycardia, a doctor would consider implantation of an artificial pacemaker to replace original pace-making of heart.

Perhaps, we should clearly realize that most cardiovascular diseases are governed by internal medicine, instead of surgery. In addition, the most effective doctor in the world is neither traditional Chinese medicine nor western medicine but the self-curing, self-treatment, and self-healing of our body.

Therefore, what a doctor that fully understands the implications of medicine does is just to help and activate the self-curing mechanism of our body itself to cure diseases. A patient cured that way should be considered as healed completely.

30% treatment and 70% caring - treatment and caring combined.
Hence, treatment is not the objective of medicine. Perhaps, the word caring is what conforms to the highest mainstream medicine in the field of medical science. Positive qi accumulated within, and illnesses walk away. If explained in modern medical terms, positive qi is namely immunity.
Therefore, whether treatment or caring is to help positive qi in our bodies to restore health, making it restore the self-curing and self-healing mechanism in our bodies.

Furthermore, in the realm of modern medicine, if studies are focused on how to cure diseases with drugs, it might be a wrong direction of medicine.





根据本人多年来治疗与预后跟踪,观察到凡是以扶正祛邪的养病医理治疗冠心病,乙肝肝炎的,至今还没发现有那一个患者,曾经出现过心肌梗塞与脑梗塞的。或是因为冠心病复发的原因而过世的。或是有那一个乙肝患者的谷丙,谷草转氨酶曾有复发过。冠心病患者年龄最大的有 80--90 岁或以上。乙肝患者多年预后跟踪的,长达 10 年以上的都有。在 2004 年,也曾在某医科大学教授帮助下,作过了高血压模型大小鼠重复试验的治疗证明。



关于肿瘤癌症的治疗,这也曾经与一家肿瘤医院的专家谈过,他们问我,你们中医治疗肿瘤癌症的机率有多大,我想了想,说话一定要谦虚一点,要留有余地的好。于是我就说了, 一半对一半,百分之五十左右吧。

谁知他们一听,脸色变得有点奇怪了,为什么,因为据他们的说法,肿瘤癌症的治疗, 用最公认的医学手段,手术、放化疗、药物,如果说效果能够达到 15%,就已经算很是不错的了。

所以呢,如是有人认为对于现代民间中医、郎中的疗效,有所怀疑或是难以认可的话, 或是认为有必要对现代中医治疗水平,需要进行一次现代式科学检验的话,那么无论是:

举行中西医临床对比、对照治疗模式设计,或是随机,双盲,或是大小鼠重复治疗试验证明,或是 3--5 年预后疗效跟踪,一概欢迎!

Of course, "temporary treatment for urgent illnesses, and effective treatment for non-urgent illnesses" as illnesses are urgent or non-urgent. Urgent illnesses could be treated with drugs for the sake of urgency. Thus, despite poisons used as drugs, they should be used.

A good doctor offers preventive treatment. This is a theory of traditional Chinese medicine and also one of the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine. Certainly, a good doctor also adheres to 30% treatment and 70% curing so as to cure diseases and keep our bodies healthy.

Why traditional Chinese medicine could cure lifelong killers? It is because traditional Chinese medicine uses herbal medicines, such as roots, leaves, and fruits of plants, bones, horns, shells and other parts of animals. Also, there are some minerals which are used in small proportions though. The most important characteristic of these animals and plants as traditional Chinese medicines is the compatibility of their gene sequence with that of our mankind in biomolecular structure, which is natural, inherent, and intrinsic. Hence, traditional Chinese medicine is able to coordinate our health with even no side effects in a manner that is complementary and mutually beneficial.

However, perhaps, another question to be stressed is: apart from congenital heart diseases, the general treatment of basic heart illnesses is governed by principles of internal medicine. Therefore, it is reasonable for us to consider it not a solution of mainstream medicine to implant intravascular stents, cardiac pacemakers, and heart pass, which should not be recommended or carried out as much as possible.

Based on my personal experience of treatment and prognosis tracking for years, none of the patients with coronary heart diseases or hepatitis, who treated or cared as per medical theories of body resistance strengthening & pathogenic factors elimination, have ever developed diabetic muscle infarction and cerebral infarction to this day. Perhaps, it was because of the recurrence of coronary heart diseases causing death. Or, it was because that glutamic-pyruvic and glutamic oxalacetic transaminases had reoccurred in a hepatitis B patient. Patients with coronary heart diseases are about 80 to 90 years old or older. Prognosis tracking of hepatitis B patients has been carried out for years, some even for over ten years. In 2004, with the help of a professor from a medical university, repeated experiments on the treatment of hypertension models on rates were conducted.

Though it was just the result of my personal prognosis tracking, another explanation at that time was that science was repeatable!

Thus, it is worth mentioning that traditional Chinese medicine is not pseudoscience, and the effects that traditional Chinese medicine cures diseases is completely repeatable!

About the treatment of tumors and cancers, I have talked with an expert from a tumor hospital. He asked me how much change do your traditional Chinese medicine has to cure tumors and cancers. After second thoughts, I decided to answer modestly. I replied half and half, around 50%.

Hearing what I said, he was astonished. Why? Because, based on his idea, if the effects of highly recognized medical treatment, surgery, chemoradiotherapy, and medication could reach 15%, it will be satisfactory.

Hence, if someone is skeptical, finds it hard to recognize the effects of modern folk traditional Chinese medicine doctors and a herbal medicine physician, or think it necessary to test the level of traditional Chinese medicine based on modern science, whatever the conclusion is based on:

Clinical comparisons of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, the cross design of the control treatment model, the randomized, double-blind, rate repeat treatment test for 3 to 5 years. It is welcomed.

其实,不算少的事实就是,当有些患者被医院宣告不治时,或是已被下了病危通知书的, 那么,他们的家属就会以病急乱投医的状态,到处寻找一些民间中医或郎中,结果呢?举个例子吧,2016 年有新疆患了乳腺癌的女患者,她在医院经过了八年的治疗之后,结果最后被治成了乳腺癌肺转移。当然,无论是乳腺癌肺转移或是骨转移,这一天到底要疼痛多少个小时呢?不算少啊,有的几个小时,有的一天疼痛十几个小时的都有。

实在没办法了,她女儿从网络上找到了本人,经过 8 个月的中药治疗,应该也可算是临床治愈了吧。



这就是说,第一流中医是用双手来调理疾患的;第二流中医是用针灸来治疗疾病的, 那么,以中药物来治疗疾病的,只能算是最后的第三流罢了。所以,由于本人只能用以中药治病,所以,也就只能算是一名很平常的小药工罢了。


那么,中医应该以什么形式来治疗肿瘤癌症呢,根据本人的一些初步经验,本人认为, 中医治疗治疗肿瘤癌症,不应该采取赶尽杀绝的手段,应该是利用中药来减少与减轻肿瘤癌症的病毒,逐步实现做到带瘤生存。而且根据一些西医权威专家也有说过,癌细胞是杀不死的。

所以,或许必须牢牢记住的是:也许唯一能够治愈心脏病的医与药,就是心脏器官自身; 唯一能够治愈肝病的医与药,也是肝脏器官自身。


内经制定了中药配伍原则,中药配伍必须要按君、臣、佐、使,还有药引。那么,这个药引能够起到什么作用呢?其实这个药引的作用,也就是现代医学所说的 靶向治疗!



In fact, there are no lack of facts that family members blindly turn to folk traditional Chinese medicine doctors or herbal medicine physicians everywhere when a patient is declared incurable or given a critically ill notice by the hospital. The result? For instance, in 2016, a female breast cancer patient from Xinjiang suffered from lung metastatic breast cancer after treatment in the hospital in a hospital. Of course, whether for lung metastatic breast cancer or bone metastatic breast cancer, how long would the pain last in a day? It was not short. For some, it was several hours, while it was about a dozen hours for some.

With nothing worked, her daughter found me via the Internet. After receiving treatment with traditional Chinese medicine, the patient could be considered clinically cured.

Certainly, there are also cases of clinical curing of cervical cancers.

In fact, in the team of modern traditional Chinese doctors and herbal medicine physicians specializing in the traditional medicine of the Chinese nation, there are a number of masters hidden, represented by coordination, acupuncture, and medicine.

The first-class traditional Chinese medicine doctors coordinate diseases with two hands; the second- class Chinese medicine doctors cure diseases using acupuncture; what third-class traditional Chinese medicine doctors do is to use traditional Chinese medicine to cure diseases. I am only able to use traditional Chinese medicine to cure diseases. Thus, I am just an ordinary little physician.

Certainly, with the progress of our time, traditional Chinese medicine should be paced with our age. Perhaps, it is also necessary to strictly follow western medical testing and modern medical patterns for traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Because western medical testing correspond with the four diagnostic techniques in traditional Chinese medicine - inspection, inquiry, listening and smelling and palpitation. In addition, a doctor should only have one objective, and that is to defend patients' health!

Then, how does traditional Chinese medicine cure tumors and cancers? Based on my preliminary experience, traditional Chinese medicine should not take termination measures to cure tumors and cancers but use traditional Chinese medicine to reduce or alleviate the virulence of tumors and cancers and realize survival with tumors gradually. Besides, as said by some western medicine authoritative experts, cancel cells cannot be killed.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep in mind that the only medicine able to cure heart diseases is heart itself; the only medicine and drug able to cure liver diseases is liver itself.

Hence, what a doctor could do should be to learn and help our bodies restore their own positive qi. By restoring positive qi in our bodies, self-curing, self-treatment and self-treatment could be achieved with the help of medicine, particularly traditional medicine made from biomolecules.

The Inner Canon establishes the principle of compatibility for traditional Chinese medicine, which follows main medicine, supporting ingredients, assisting components, and also the guiding item. So, what is the role of guiding item? Actually, the function of guiding items is what modern medicine refers to as - targeted therapy!

How does traditional Chinese medicine cure a disease? This question was clarified in the 70th question in Suwen and in About Wucheng Zhenda.
A big toxicant as medicine could cure 60% of an illness, a normal toxicant 70%, a small toxicant 80%, and medicine free of toxicant 90%.
So far as traditional Chinese medicine is concerned, to care an illness with medicine is not a bad solution,

不治已病治未病才是上医。 扶正祛邪 三分治七分养!





楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17

楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17

楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17

楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17

楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17

楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17

楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17
楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17
楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17
这位2007年,89岁的老人家,患的是低血压,  请问:科学的医,能治吗?


楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17

楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17

历史可以证明,中医中药可以在人类健康领域 ,作出伟大的贡献!

楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17





楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17

楼主:老子在此2016  时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17




发表时间:2019-11-05 06:41:01

更新时间:2019-11-20 18:47:17


帖子来源:天涯  访问原帖




