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楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
quiz sdccd.instructure.com/courses/2376190/assignments/18280104

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
1. Ask at least 1 question from Chapter 1-3 that is confusing or you want more help with. Specifically, I want you to ask about the course topics (not MAL or Canvas questions). (Be specific, if you can.)
2. How have you studied each week. Are you reading the whole chapter? Taking notes? Reading the Module pages for the chapter? Watching the videos? Are you practicing problems? Are you using the Study Plan? Are you using any outside resources? (If so, consider sharing them.)
3. How do you plan out your week to ensure that you don't feel overwhelmed? Do you have any tips for your group members?
4. What do you wish you had more of? (Time, of course, but something that a classmate may have found--like a video or blog etc.)
5. What has been the most helpful resource for you? Any tips you want to share with your group? (if it's a website or document, please link and/or attach it!)
As these are small groups, I want each group member to feel heard and have a chance to interact. So please try to respond early and check back to see if there are any new posts. Consider forming study groups for the upcoming exam.
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

Current Ratio =Total current assets ÷ Total current liabilities
Debt Ratio =Total liabilities ÷ Total assets
流动资产第一个分子 (流动比率)
总资产 第二个是分母(资产负债率)
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
Fraud is 答案
an intentional misrepresentation of facts

​, made for the purpose of 答案

persuading another party to act in a way that causes injury or damage to that party

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
Internal control can be broken down into five components: control environment, risk assessment, information system, control procedures, and monitoring of controls. Internal control procedures include smart hiring practices and separation of duties, comparisons and compliance monitoring, adequate records, limited access, and proper approvals. Accounting systems are relying more on information technology for record keeping, asset handling, approval, and monitoring. Businesses also must implement safeguard controls, such as fireproof vaults, burglar alarms, and security cameras. Internal controls related to e-commerce are necessary to combat stolen credit card numbers, computer viruses and Trojan horses, and phishing expeditions. Companies can employ encryption and firewalls to combat these risks.

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
Cash has certain controls in place that allow for better security. These include procedures for cash receipts over the counter, cash receipts by mail, and controls over payment by cash. Additionally, establishing a petty cash fund to pay small expenditures is discussed.
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

The Cash account of
Ranger Corporation had a balance of
$ 3 comma 620
$3,620 at
2018. Included were outstanding checks totaling
$ 1 comma 800
$1,800 and an
31 deposit of
$ 300
$300 that did not appear on the bank statement. The bank​ statement, which came from
Picadilly State​ Bank, listed an
31 balance of
$ 5 comma 699
$5,699. Included in the bank balance was an
August 30 collection of
$ 632
$632 on account from a customer who pays the bank directly. The bank statement also showed a
$ 21
$21 service​ charge,
$ 13
$13 of interest revenue that
Ranger earned on its bank​ balance, and an NSF check for
$ 45




发表时间:2020-02-06 21:12:56

更新时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18


帖子来源:天涯  访问原帖




