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楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10
【柔术杂谈】 当她说:“我能做得更好,”我知道我要有麻烦了,我要想法赢得这场比赛,但不是赢得太多。




我看过柔术训练的书,有的说做劈叉时要用双手支撑身体在地面休息,有的又说手要扶在椅子上以免身体向前倾钭太多。有的说要用双手支撑身体的重量,有的又说只用腿部肌肉支撑身体,有没有人给我指点一下? 我前面都谈过,就我个人而言,我只用双手保持平衡,但你如果没有做好准备,你那样做就会受伤。我认为你用手支撑在地面上或椅子上区别并不重要,两者在伸展性上差别不大。把手放在椅子上能让上身保持挺直,这样能更好地伸展后腿,向前倾钭以增强前腿的柔韧性。我建议两者都做,我通常在劈叉中向前和向后倾钭身体,你可能很快会发现向后弯非常困难,但做完向前弯后再将身体向后弯非常重要。我相信试着保持后腿伸直非常重要。不要让你的膝盖在地上休息,除非你的腿伸展得很直,你应该试着将脊背挺直并将后腿高于地面部分用力压下去。也说是说,双腿要完全在地面展平。如果有人从你劈叉的这一面看, 从你的腿下应看不到一点光线。把右手放在左腿上,把左手放在右腿上,总之,让身体在劈叉能呈现出任何一种姿势,也许你的后腿向后弯不好,但你要试,并保持脊梁挺直,这是难度高一些的伸展,但你要做超级劈叉,你至少要把后腿稍稍抬高一点。另一方面要让你的脚部变柔软,这两者都要,我在脚部花了百分之九十的时间。练脚部更难,因为不仅是脚部,整个腿都要弯成拱型,有许多好的训练,包括伸展与柔软。那是另一个话题。


你不要试着让肘关节、膝关节脱臼,做了的话,你会后悔的。你只能用训练增加膝和肘的柔软性 如果你仔细看一看学艺术体操的女孩子,她们从不过度伸展腿部,甚至于到了很高的水平,她们的腿也是直的。

我见过艺术体操的女孩子伸展膝关节,不是常见在地面上劈叉,而是将前腿抬高,离开地面,后腿贴紧地面。但是, 这样做很危险,极易引直膝关节脱臼,但有人不觉得这样做膝关节很紧张。教练有必要提醒那些要伸展膝和肘的人们。这样做要非常小心。重视技术,也重视安全,教练员要让运动员知道伸直状态才是自然的。

你可以做一个“肩关节脱臼”的运动,看起来就象真的。比如,双手在一起从前面到头顶然后到后面,没有真的脱臼但看起来象真的。(池劲松:我在电视上看到过湖南的周园表演过,就是为“维维豆奶,欢乐开怀”做广告的那个女孩子) 你可以用一条毛巾帮助学上面这项技术,两手抓毛巾,两手距离以你需要的为准,抓紧毛巾,向上翻过你的头然后放到身后,在练习逐渐缩短两手的距离(过一个星期再这样做)逐渐缩短两手的距离只到你不需要毛巾。!! 这真是一个好主意,看起来象脱臼实际上不是。唯一的问题是要有好的肩部柔软性。在一个“桥”的状态(喻咖里的“青蛙”“轮式”)肩部需要伸展使双手能尽量向后伸展。这也要有胸部以上的柔软性配合。胸部以下也要使整个身体能配合。另有一个方法保持关节不动,用肘关节锁定“桥”的状态,你能用双手承担身体的重量,这也使肩部进一步伸展,但是,你的肘关节过度伸展,那就自找麻烦了。

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10
(这就是我们的教练周铭仲,是不是挺专业啊 ^_^ )

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10
【zlata.de】No.65 神庙1(原文和译文) The Temple
One summer Yulia and her mother were walking to a local market and they happended to pass by a certain temple, when Yulia was suddenly transfixed by the sight of girl apparently in the nude in very tight backfold with her arms splayed out to the side in front of her thighs, with her legs stretched straight toward the ground supported only by her mouth on a timber pole over 2 m off the ground. She walked past open-mouthed as they continued on their way to the market. About 3 hours later returning home Yulia was amazed to see the contortionist still on the pole. "Look Mum, she has been in that position the whole time we have been shopping, how can she do that?" "Well", her mum replied "they are trained by the monks in extreme body control such as body temperature, breathing and disregarding pain." Excited, Yulia replied, "Mum I am really flexible, I could do that." "Don't be silly child,", her mum countered, "you are not that flexible and they need years of hard training, its not just fun you know, look how skinny she is, you are only 16 years old, you need to stay at school for a few more years and get married." On the way home, Yulia resented her mothers summation. She knew she was extremely flexible, and she determined that she would undergo the training no matter how difficult and become a contortionist at the temple. Every night after her mother went to bed, she contorted herself into a tight triple fold like she saw the contortionst doing and forced herself to hold it for longer and longer each night all the wile busily hatching a plan to run away to join the temple. A few months later everything was ready, and leaving her mother a note saying she had gone to live with her boyfriend in Romania, she arrived at the temple. She explained to the secretary at the gate that she was an orphan, and wanted with all her heart to join the temple and become a contortionist. She was invited in to see the head monk seated on a large stone throne. In front of the throne on small pedastal she saw a contortionist in a very tight triple fold with the back of her head and neck tight against her crux with her arms folded in front of her thighs and so though nude all her private parts were hidden and so appeared quite respectable. The contortist face was blank and expressionless and it appeared she had been in that position for quite some time. Her back was completely folded in half with her little waist imperceptibly moving in and out as she breathed and her ribs quite pronounced. She could see it was a very extreme fold because her head was actually pulled right through between her thighs and up above the level of her pelvis as she looked straight ahead. "Excuse me your holiness, this girl called Yulia has made a sincere request to be trained as a contortionist in the temple." stated the secretary, awaking Yulia from her analysis of the contortionist body. The monk opened his eyes to look at her, "my child, do you sincerely with all your heart desired to be trained in all the arts of contortion?" "Yes sir the Yulia" replied with certainty. "Are you willing to submit to all your arduous training without complaint?" "Yes sir," she replied, "the harder the better she replied enthusiastically." "What do you say, oh oracle of the divine", the monk incanted. For the first time, the contortionist spoke, "She is suitable my Lord, she will endure the hardest of training". Then I accept you for training, the monk stated finally, it will take five years, after which you will have the choice to leave if you wish, or to stay in service to the temple. Delighted, she exlaimed, "Thankyou sir!", with a big smile. Wow she had really made it here she happily thought to herself. She was shown to her room and was delighted to see a fairly large spartan room with a large table in the centre with various straps and devices which she suspected was for contortion training and was a narrow wooden bench beside it, a small bed beside the wall and a water fountain in corner. She joined the monks for one small meal of rice and vegetables each day at noon with the rest of the time spent in contortion training, and in learning how to control her body temperature and to slow her breathing to allow her to hold very difficult positions for much longer. She was delighted to see her body continue to increase in flexibility allowing her to form more and more extreme quad folds with her shoulder completely through between her thighs. It was very exhausting and at times painful, but she endured it all with a smile and without question as she was so happy she was finally achieving her goal. A few weeks later the head monk visited her. "We have been very happy with your progress Yulia, you can now progress to the next level.I give to you this gold chain to place around your waist and golden bands for your ankles and wrists." Yulia noticed the gold bands had little hooks on them which she suspected was to lock her in certain positions. After the head monk had left, other monks arrived and removed her bed and left a fairly small bambo box about 300 cm square lined with a white sheet. "I will take your clothes now Yulia, for the more rigorous training which will now be undertaken continuously in all your waking hours they will only be an interference," the secretary said matter of factly. Respectably Yulia complied until she was standing completely in the nude. "As I said," the secretary continued, "you are expected to train in all your waking hours on the bench, or you can sleep in the box provided it is in a quad fold as further training." "Thankyou secretary." she replied humbly. The next day, the monks arrived at 6am to continue her training in splits, front and backbending, stopping only 1hr for their meagre lunch before continuing the training until midnight, with sometimes up to 6 monks stretching and contorting every part of her body into more and more extreme positions, which they would then hold for quite extended periods, sometime even hours at a time. The narrow bench was probably the most rigorous training she had to endure. She would go into a triple fold supported by her chest on the narrow bench and then one monk would pull hard on her wrists and the other monk would full back on her ankles until her shoulders were pulled completely through between her thighs. Her thighs now pulled back past the vertical with a third monk pressing her pelvis down hard completely folding her back and forcing her bottom hard down onto her shoulder blades. Often they would then tie her in this position with straps turn the lights down and then leave the room and close the heavy wooden door. They often would also tie her pelvis hard down hard with a large strap around the bench, and clipped her gold bands which were around her wrists and ankles onto a metal track on the side of the bench, which was calibrated so they could monitor her progress. Her nude body strapped helplessly to the bench in these extreme positions with her ribs protruding but pressed down hard into the rough wooden bench and not knowing when the monks would return, whether in 2-3 minutes or 2-3 hours. But she had now learnt to put herself into a trance and even though the weather was now fairly cool and without covering, she felt complete peace and happiness while tied in this extreme position. After her training finished at midnight, she squeezed herself into the small bamboo box using a quad fold and sleep for a few hours using the breathing control she had been taught. This training continued 7 days a week, month after month but with each passing week Yulia felt that more and more she was becoming at one with her body, truly feeling her essence as a contortionst, with her body able to deform like rubber into any shape without pain or effort and to hold the position nearly indefinitely. She knew she was nearly ready for her final test to become worthy to reside beside the head monk for consulting during the day and so be absolutely devoted in service to the temple as one of its contortionsts. This position required her to be able to reach any bodily position the head monk dictated at the time, possibly with the assistance of the monks, and to remain in that position for as long as required. To be completed.

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10





























楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10
【zlata.de】No.84 神庙2(原文和译文) Temple 2
Finally, the head monk set a day for Julia’s test, which would be in three months. He reminded everyone that as well as being completely malleable into any physical position, she would also be tested on her ability to control her breathing. Julia insisted that the monks who were assisting her with her training every day, should push her limits even further than they had done before. She asked them to train her as hard as possible, taking each position to the extreme and beyond. Even if she should cry out in pain, which was unlikely given the mastery she had achieved over her ability to tolerate pain, they were to continue. Slowly her previous limits were surpassed and still the monks continued their labour. They installed a tank of water into her cell so they could develop her breath control. With a week to go before the test, Julia asked the monks if they could work in rotation with her, so that even while she slept, if indeed sleep was possible, they would continue to stretch her around the clock, apart from the one hour meal break. Finally the day arrived. Julia was led into the main temple chamber behind all the monks who had helped in her trainer. It was early morning and the sun was low in the sky, its rays picking out tiny particles of dust in the air. As had become her custom, she had been stretched throughout the night by the monks so had no need to warm up. The head monk greeted them with a solemn bow. The temple was filled with other contortionists and their monk trainers and everyone else who lived in the temple, eager to witness the test of the latest novice. The head monk raised his arm to call for silence. He explained that Julia would be tested to see if she was worthy of becoming one of the temple contortionist oracles. He explained that should she fail the test, she would have to leave the monastery immediately. But that if she passed, she would immediately pass into service of the temple. Julia nodded and bowed low before the head monk to indicate her acceptance. The head monk announced that there would in fact be two parts to the test. For the first part, she would have to lay on her back on a narrow bench, which was brought into the chamber by two of the monks. Her legs would t hem be spread out on either side in a middle split. To pass the test, Julia would have to be able to get her oversplit to 300 degrees and hold it for 15 minutes! There was a quiet murmur around the chamber indicating that this was a difficult first test. Julia positioned herself on her back on the narrow bench and her trainer monks tied her in position. She lifted her feet straight up and pointed her toes towards the ornately decorated ceiling. Then slowly she moved each leg out to the side, dropping first into a 180 degree split and then sinking further. Under their own weight, her legs stopped at about 220 degrees. Her trainers took up positions on either side of her, two on each side. They gradually began to lean their weight and press down on her legs to widen the split. Slowly they increased her split to about 270 degrees. They then called for ropes and pulleys, which they attached to Julia’s ankles and to a ring in the floor under the bench. Other monks began to pull on the ropes and Julia legs slowly split further apart. The head monk watch closely, admiring Julia’s determination. Eventually he was satisfied that she had reached the required 300 degree oversplit and started a clock to time 15 minutes. Julia could sense the pain in her hip sockets and every part of her legs but she had trained for five years for this and was certainly not intending to fail the test that would enable her to fulfil her ultimate ambition. She used her mental skills to shut out the pain as far as possible. The head monk announced that the 15 minutes were up and everyone in the temple began to applaud. But rather than allow the monks to release her from her extreme position, Julia called the head monk over and announced that she would like to take the test further, to 350 degrees in fact. The head monk was somewhat surprised, knowing how hard getting to 300 degrees was. He reminded Julia that if she accepted this harder test, and failed, she would have to leave the temple. She nodded her ascent. Julia’s monk trainers were looking a little nervous as they had not progressed to 350 degrees in her training. But at her request, they began once more to press down on her legs and pull on the ropes. At first there seemed to be no extra movement, and then suddenly the stretch began to widen. The monks could see that Julia’s hips were now dislocated. Julia noted the excruciating pain but once more used her techniques to shut it out. Gradually her legs moved onwards and downwards until finally somewhere below her bottom on the bench, her feet were about 30 centimetres away from each other. The head monk motioned that she had reached the 350 degree split. Once more he set the timer. But to everyone’s surprise, he announced that Julia would have to stay in position for 30 minutes!

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10
There were a few gasps from the assembled crowd. No-one had ever seen this amount iof oversplit achieved, and with dislocated hips they knew it would be agony for Julia to hold the position for that long. But hold it she did and finally to great applause and cries of appreciation she reached 30 minutes and was released from the bench. The monks helped snap her hips back into her sockets. The narrow bench was removed and monks now brought in a glass sided tank about 1.5 metres long and 60 centimetres wide and deep. Then large pitchers of water were brought in, slowly filling the tank. When this was complete, a board just over a meeting long and half a metre wide arrived, complete with various straps and a wheel attached to a long screw threaded bar. The head monk then announced the second test. Julia would be strapped onto the board in a triple fold. Her ankles would be fixed and her wrists would be strapped to a bar attached to the screw thread. The wheel would be used to tighten the bend by pulling her arms further through her legs. She would have to stay in this position for 1 hour, with the monks tightening the wheel every fifteen minutes. At the end of the hour, she would be placed underwater in the tank for fifteen minutes. After that, she would be removed from the tank and the whole process repeated again a second time. Julia adopted the familiar position and was strapped in. The wheel began to turn, increasing the stretch. She focused inside her mind and endured the extreme stretch. Every fifteen minutes, the monks turned the wheel as much as they were able, tightening the bend and increasing the pain that Julia was enduring. Each time, she focused back into that inner space and continued. After an hour, the head monk motioned to the monks to lower Julia into the tank of water. Before going under, Julia took as big a breath as her contorted position would allow. She tried consciously to slow her heart rate and prepared herself to stay submerged. After fifteen minutes, the monks raised her from her watery prison. Julia was pleased to be able to breathe again. But her relief was short-lived as the monks once more turned the wheel to increase the tightness of her bend. Her trial continued and the bend deepened so that Julia’s shoulders were well past her legs into a Ruppel bend position. And still the monks continued to tighten the wheel every fifteen minutes. Her next fifteen minutes under the water came and went and she was lifted up out of the water to applause from the assembled crowd. Julia again asked for the head monk to come over. She requested that the trial should be extended. She wanted to continue for the rest of the day, with the monks still trying to turn the wheel at 15 minute intervals. But she asked that her time under water be increased by five minutes each time. The trial would continue until dusk. The head monk again explained that if she could not achieve this additional challenge, then she would fail her test. But Julia insisted that she wanted to continue to demonstrate her devotion to the temple. And so the cycle continued – one hour on the surface and then 20, 25, 30, 35 and finally 40 minutes underwater before dusk fell. As she was lifted for the final time from the water, a hushed awe fell over the temple. The head monk congratulated Julia for passing the test and motioned for the monks to release her from the extreme triple fold that she had now been in for 10 hours. But Julia interrupted. She asked the head monk if she could demonstrate her devotion to the villagers outside the temple. She asked to be left strapped in the triple fold and placed in the town square for the whole night. The head monk explained that it would fall to freezing overnight but Julia insisted that she remain naked. The head monk agreed and the monks dutifully carried her out of the temple, through the streets and set her on a table in the main square. A crown quickly gathered. The villagers were used to seeing amazing feats from the temple contortionists, but rumour had quickly spread that Julia was something very special. Two monks stood watch all night and although the villagers in the crown huddled together or around fires for warmth, few made their way home. As the first rays of the morning sun began to pierce the dawn, Julia’s golden hair was picked up by their natural spotlight. The villagers began to cheer and the applause and shouts grew ever louder. It was fifteen minutes before the monks were able to respectfully lift her, still strapped to her prison board, and parade her once more back through the streets to the temple. The head monk greeted her warmly and explained that not only had she endured the most challenging trial ever, but that she had managed to earn the respect of the whole village. Julia thanked the monk for his kind words and spoke of her honour to serve the temple. But before she was released, she asked for one more favour. She asked that she would be taken into the head monk’s own personal chamber, placed underwater in his bathing pool, and that he should have tantric union with her and only release her afterwards. The head monk was pleased and honoured with this suggestion but he told her that tantric union would last for an hour or more and wanted her to be sure she could hold her breath for that time. She assured him she would. (To be completed, maybe.)

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10
【zlata.de】No.21 魔术柔术服 Jessica had just received the "Magic and Contortion kit" in the mail. Inside the box was a black full-body suit. With it the suit, a matching black mask and instructions. The mask had a special part for the eyes, so it looked as if there were no eyes, but she could see, yet there was not mouth hole, so she waited to put it on. She put on the suit, and then went to the bathroom. Following the instructions, she filled the tub with the hottest water. She took one last breath of air, put on the mask, and submerged herself. She did not realize it, but instead of running out of air, she stayed under for ten minutes. Her body was hot, but when she got out, she did not notice any changes, until she took off the mask. Her point of view went upward with the mask, so she put it back on. She looked in the mirror, only to see a blank black face. She tried to pull the mask off again, but then, no head was under it! Somehow, she had been merged with the suit. She put the mask back on, and then felt the flap she used to get in the suit. She reached in, but touched the inside of the suit, no skin. She realized, she was now boneless, being just rubber skin. She decided to change her contortion act, and signed up for the "Extreme contortion act". The next day, she arrived at the theater, and was lead to a stage. Two other women were dressed in blue full-body suits, without masks. They explained that they would just tell Jessica the basic positions, and they would just take it from there. The lights went out, and Jessica and the other two women went onstage. The light returned, and music started. First, Jessica went into a lotus position. The women on either side of her then took a hold of the foot on that side and pulled it upward. They continued to push and pull until the foot was now pointing outward with the knees facing inward. A small crowd was beginning to gather outside of the original one, and large applause was heard. The next position Jessica did was an elbow stand. She brought her legs over her head, and then she did a headseat. The women then picked up Jessica, pushing he legs further back. Jessica now looked like a disc, with a very tight backbend. After straightening out, the audience applauded louder still. Next, a side split. The women then took a hold of each leg and began to raise it toward Jessica's head, until she achieved a 360 degree split. The women told her that they had never seen anyone this flexible, and they said they were going to more extreme, to the point of impossible. They continued to push the legs, one in front, one in back, until they reached 540 degrees. They then returned her back to normal. The applause was getting louder. The women placed Jessica on the floor in a backbend. They grabbed each lag, and brought it forward, until Jessica could put her arms between her legs and her body. After she was returned to normal, the audience applauded loudly. Next, Jessica got into a human knot. She was placed face down and one of the women placed a foot on her back. Then the women took a hold of her legs and began to raise them. This was very extreme, until they reached vertical. Then, they continued until the ground behind her, to impossible. The legs of Jessica had traveled a full 360 degrees. They returned her back to normal, and they all bowed. They were to take short break, and continue the show. One of the women asked Jessica how she could accomplish this feat. She, as a contortionist too, could not have done it, even with years of training starting at birth. The other women also commented that it was like she was boneless, just made of rubber. Jessica only said that it must be magic. They then returned to the stage with a much larger crowd than before. She once again got into the human knot. Then, one of the women took one leg and pushed it downward, with the other women doing the same. Jessica's knees ended up near her butt, with her feet pointing downward. Next, the women grabbed a hold of the feet, and pushed upward, twisting the legs further, until the feet touched her head. It was a very amazing feat. When she was straightened out, the applause was the loudest ever. Now, a simple backbend was done by Jessica. Then, the women pressed the chest and legs together, creating a VERY tight backbend. She was truly folded in half. This was then repeated with the top of the spine, all the way to the bottom, showing that her whole spine was flexible. She now moved into a triple fold. With one woman in front, and the other behind, they grabbed the feet and hands and began to pull. The distance between the foot and hands started at 2 feet, but was then increased 3, then 4 feet. The body had been pulled flat against the floor. The butt had been pulled completely against the bottom of the spine, and this was truly impossible. The bones couldn't even fit. When they had gone this far, the women stopped pulling, because they had never encountered this before. The show took another break, while the women returned Jessica back to normal. The women could not believe their eyes, looking at Jessica in that position. It was unbelievable. They had to get away, so they went to get supplies for the next act. Back on stage, there was a tube of water in a large container, and a cube. Jessica was placed in the water, to get the volume of her body, and the displaced water was placed into the cube, showing that it had a near exact fit. This meant that there was very little extra space for air after Jessica's body was placed into the cube. The cube and Jessica were dried off, and the tube of water was removed. Then, the women began to place Jessica into the cube. First, her arms were placed into the edges. Then, the legs were then folded at the knees, and bent back onto the back. Then, her shoulders were pushed back onto the knees and pulled, dislocating both legs. The head was then placed between the knees. Jessica was then inserted into the cube, but part of her was above the top edge. The top was pressed on, and Jessica was compressed slightly. Her rubber body bent to press all the air out, until the cover was on. The audience was silent, for this had never been seen or done before. Most contortionists had some space left when they were placed into a box, but the volume of this cube was measured to be very close to the volume of Jessica's body. When the top was removed, Jessica's body returned to its original shape, and she came out. One by one, the speechless crowd began to clap. It was the end of the show, and Jessica had impressed many, as the boneless rubber girl.

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10
【柔术术语之腰部类】 柔术(全称柔术软功)是一门艺术,艺术就存在很多专业的术语,本篇主要给大家介绍一些常见的柔术术语,并辅以少量的图片以便大家理解。

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10












楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10
【柔术术语之腿部类】 柔术这门艺术,除了要求很高的腰功外,腿功也是柔术水平的衡量水平之一。柔术腿部动作也有很多术语,我们一起结合图片来看看吧。

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10
横叉(Center Split/Side Split)坐在地上左右两条腿分别向两边岔开180°,并且腿与肩平行。
竖叉(Front Split/Stride Split)坐在地上左右任意两条腿,一条腿在身前,一条腿在身后。两条腿相互分开,且度数必须成为180°。
超级劈叉:在做横叉或竖叉时,腿不再是与地面保持平行,而是同时抬起或垫起单腿或双腿而且角度必须超过180°。 有时在做劈叉和超级劈叉时都可能包括前腰或下后腰的一部分动作去加大一些韧带拉伸的幅度。
2、朝天蹬:在站立的情况下, 向前,侧或后方抬起左右任意一条腿并让脚高过头。如果换一种角度就是在地上下竖叉或横叉再上身抱膝或下腰。 如果有能力可以将腿跨过头或是另一个肩膀。

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10
【zlata.de】No.1 莎拉·库尔 原文放送
Sahras Kür

After the short programme at the ice-skating competition WM in Tokyo, Sara was placed 9th because she had not been able to do all of the compulsory elements. So she had nothing to lose in her free programme. In agreement with her trainer, she decided to show a sexy, flexy free-programme unlike any seen before. She began innocently in a blue dress that was high at the front and buttoned at the back behind her neck. But the skirt was not entirely able to cover Saraâ™s full Latino behind. The many conservative Japanese spectators also noticed fairly soon that the regulation panties were missing! As she skated gracefully into the centre of the rink, the first murmurings went round the crowd. Apparently unaffected by this Sara began skating to Serge Gainsbourgâ™s âœJe tâ™ aime .. moi non plusâ�?. She started conventionally with a triple and 2 double jumps according to regulations. Then, whilst skating backwards, she bent herself forwards, pulled her chest through between her legs, placing her hands around the bottom and pulling her body up so that she was able to press her chin towards her crotch. In this extreme frontbend she was now able to see in the direction in which she was travelling and also the crowd, who now applauded conservatively. Then she performed a further prescribed element step-sequence into the middle of the rink where she span in a beautiful Bielmann pirouette. Whilst she was doing this, the TV director focussed on the panel of judges who were nervously discussing amongst themselves. Focussing back on the ice, the director blended in a shot of Saraâ™s smiling trainer. At the end of the pirouette, Sara didnâ™t lower the extended leg, but pulled it even further, bringing it down over her head. Then the little blue skirt slipped unexpectedly onto the ice. After loosening the knot, the material now lay on the ice. The public were open-mouthed in astonishment. A sponsor had developed especially for her a see-through, insulating spray interspersed with small gold stars. These began to sparkle under the lights, and made the whole scene like something from another world! Sara balanced on her right leg and pulled the left leg up behind her towards her torso. She grabbed hold of the skid of the ice skate. Slowly she stretched the leg up and over into a 270 degree split, then leant down and placed her other hand on the skate on the ice. This had never been seen in ice-skating before! The arena fell silent. Then Sara continued to pull on the upper skate until this joined the other skate on the ice, reaching a full 360 degree split â“ a new world record! Loud cheers echoed around the crowd as Sara, still in this amazing oversplit pose, spun beautifully around the rink. Arriving back in the middle of the rink, she let go with her hands and all her limbs flowed back into their normal position. Saraâ™s achievements were celebrated by a sea of waving arms. The director cut back again to the spectators as it was now obvious that Sara had completely broken the rules about ladies panties. She was not wearing plain tangas, but a special silver strap, as recently modelled for Badenixen on the RTL midday show. Particularly suggestive for the Japanese audience was the black genital hair visibly poking out from under the strap, just like Alain Bernadin of the Crazy Horse in Paris invented. The male spectators could hardly contain themselves when the TV picture was blanked out. But still the ice princess continued with her programme, performing perfect jumps and step sequences whilst semi-naked. Only when the organisers managed finally to switch off her music, did she return happily to the middle, raising both arms up behind her and dislocating her shoulders. She folder her hands in a prayer position and waved to the public be swinging her stretched arms backwards and forwards. Her marvellous body (measuring 1.72/65 D/38/78) shone in the blaze of lights. Many spectators stood to their feet and applauded her. Sara smiled and began to bend backwards again, further and further until her heads brushed the surface of the ice. Her legs were completely straight and she placed her back fully against them. Her sweet bottom rested on the back of her thighs, with her hip joints completely dislocated. Once again, the arena became completely quiet. And then her head began to move between her spread legs, hands reaching through the pelvis, bending the trunk in an unbelievable backbend, until the shoulder sockets rested above the knees. In this completely new extreme wedged position, Sara began to pirouette with arms spread wide out beyond her thighs. To the thunderous applause of a standing ovation, she drew her arms in which accelerated the spin. The public joined in and applauded and called out rhythmically in time with the speed of the spin. Sara positioned herself in front of her dress on the ice and then continued to lean back and bend her knees until she was able to pick up the material in her hand. Elegantly she allowed the blue dress to flutter behind her hands as she span in the extreme backbend. Finally she covered herself up, and now dressed, left the arena. She was embraced by her trainer as she reached the artistsâ™ bench. Everyone waited nervously for the marks. The jury did not know what to make of these figures that were not in any of the regulations, and decided to disqualify Sara. The stadium broke into uproar and the judges retired to safety. Spectators crowded onto the ice, slipping all over the place. Fights broke out everywhere and the public made their displeasure at the judgesâ™ decision very clear. This was how contortion was subtly introduced and the media once again had a new story to report.

楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10




楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10



楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10





楼主:莱芜少年  时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10






发表时间:2015-01-01 08:00:00

更新时间:2020-11-05 17:38:10


帖子来源:百度贴吧  访问原帖




