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楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
o close and yet so far. By the beginning of December, the thermometer had dropped to 45 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. It''s not true that the Germans were unaware of the Russian winter. But with limited supply capacity, priority was given to fuel and ammunition. Besides, who needs winter clothing if Moscow was supposed to be captured before General Winter struck?


Instead, it was the Soviets who struck. Stalin had been reassured by information from Richard Sorge, a German living in Japan but working for Soviet intelligence, that the Japanese would turn south to fight the Americans and British instead of north against Siberia. He felt able to transfer 18 elite Siberian divisions, well-trained and well-equipped for operating in harsh winter conditions, by rail to Moscow.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
When the counter offensive began on December 5, German weapons were frozen, German soldiers were frozen, and sometimes the soldiers froze to the weapons. The survivors could only watch helplessly as the attackers, warmly clad in fur-lined jackets and boots, and camouflaged in white snowsuits, emerged like ghosts through the mist and snow.


Now came one of those decision points that occur in every major battle. Some of Hitler''s generals wanted to retreat to a line far from Moscow. But Hitler feared that a retreat would disintegrate into a panic-stricken rout that would bring the Red Army to the gates of Germany. He ordered his troops to hold their positions to the last man. Though Hitler fired some generals who disagreed, many German commanders later praised the decision as preventing a collapse like that suffered by Napoleon''s Grande Armee in 1812.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
The Germans were pushed back to Rzhev, 150 miles from Moscow. But their lines were still intact, and though battered, their armies were still ready to fight. And now it was Stalin''s turn for overconfidence. The Soviets had also suffered grievously during the counteroffensive: their troops were inexperienced, their supply lines were strained by snow and mud, and they also suffered from the cold. Nonetheless, with dreams of reaching Berlin in his eyes, Stalin ordered his exhausted forces to continue attacking. The result was heavy losses in futile attacks. By February, the Germans even counterattacked, destroying several Soviet divisions.


What had been accomplished? Both sides had gambled and failed. German dreams of capturing Moscow and ending the War in the East had evaporated. Stalin''s dreams of a grand counteroffensive that would kick the Germans out of the Soviet unx also faltered. The slaughterhouse that was the Eastern Front would continue into 1942, and then into 1945.


However, it was Hitler''s gamble that proved fatal. 1941 and 1942 would be the last years that the Germans had the luxury of waging a one-front war. After that, the Americans and British would open Second Fronts with amphibious landings in Europe and around-the-clock bombing over the Third Reich. If Hitler was to win, it had to be before the Anglo-Americans mustered their strength, and before the Soviets reorganized their armies and harnessed their vast industrial potential.
楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
But the Russo-German War was no ordinary conflict fought over territory or resources. For Nazi Germany, it was a war of extermination and subjugation that would have killed the Russian people or reduced them to slavery. For the Soviet unx, it was a war of survival.


The War in the East was a fight to the death, and neither capturing nor defending Moscow would change that. The Soviet unx would probably have fought on despite the loss of its capital.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

What gave Japan the idea they could defeat the United States during WWII, and who ordered the attack?

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Dave Hiatt, former HPC Distributing Computing, CS/Physics Degrees
Answered Aug 9
What gave them the idea? The Japanese leadership developed the plan in an echo chamber, where only true believers were allowed to participate and all others who expressed doubt or disagreed were filtered out and removed from leadership positions in the civilian and military governments/institutions.
According to post war interviews with Emperor Hirohito it was Tojo who ordered the attack to take place prior to delivering a declaration of war to the US.

是什么给了他们这样的想法? 日本领导层在一个私下制定了这个计划,只有真正的信徒才被允许参与,所有其他表达怀疑或不同意的人都被过滤掉,并从文官系统和军事政府/机构的领导职位上移除掉。

The Japanese did not expect to “defeat” the United States in a protracted war.
Rather their plan was to hit the US Naval Fleet (which was stationed in Pearl Harbor) and render it ineffective for a period of time (their thinking was from between 6 - 18 months). During that period of time their plan was to hit the Far East possessions of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, and the US possessions of the Philippines, Wake, Guam, and Midway, and take the Solomon Islands, and Eastern New Guinea.

相反,他们的计划是打击美国海军舰队( 驻扎在珍珠港 ),并在一段时间内使其失去战斗力 ( 他们的想法是6到18个月),在那段时间里,他们的计划是袭击英国、法国、荷兰的远东属地,以及美国属地菲律宾、威克岛、关岛和中途岛,并占领所罗门群岛和新几内亚东部。
楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Their thinking was that this would allow them to form a defensive perimeter facing the US made of island strong points stretching from Midway in the North, through the Solomon''s, and across Dutch East Indies (current day Indonesia). It would also effectivly remove Australia and New Zealand as threats and make US, Australian, and New Zealand support problematic.
With this US facing defense in place they would move from Indochina (current day Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam), through Thailand, Burma, and into and through India.

他们的想法是,这将使他们能够形成一个面向美国的防御外围阵地,这些外围阵地由北部的中途岛,穿过所罗门群岛,横跨东印度尼西亚荷属东印度(今天的印度尼西亚) 构成,将有效地消除澳大利亚和新西兰的威胁,使得美国、澳大利亚和新西兰的支持成为一个问题。
在这种情况下,美国将不得不进入防御状态,他们将从印度支那 ( 今天的老挝、柬埔寨和越南),通过泰国、缅甸,并进入和通过印度。

The thinking was that this would allow them to secure oil reserves (Indonesia), rubber (Indochina), and markets India (as a vassal state). And then turn their attention back to pacifying the parts of China they decided to keep as a colonial empire.
The plan assumed that the US, after recovering would look at this fortified Far Eastern wall would conclude that it would not be worth the trouble and money to try and take back and accept a Japanese proposed partition of the Pacific in return for peace and no further attacks from the IJN (Japanese Navy).
THAT was the plan. As I have said in other posts, the problem with a plan no matter how good is; “No plan survives first contact with reality”. And this one wasn’t that good, and definitely did not.

该计划假定,美国在恢复之后,将重新审视这道防御严密的“ 远东墙”,并得出结论认为,美国将接受日本提出的分割太平洋的提议,以换取和平,不再受到日本海军的攻击。
楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Japan, even if their plan worked to perfection, still had to move raw materials and oil to an island nation, making that transit subject to naval attack.
The Japanese planners failed to grasp that army units holding strong point islands is not the same kind of overlapping defense as strong point units on land were the units can move to support one another.


The only mobile support was Naval and Naval airpower. So when the Japanese quickly lost Naval superiority at Midway and lost air superiority with the arrival of the F6F Hellcat fighter, and then faced US air supremacy, the whole concept of interlocking support islands fell to pieces. Many island “strong points” simply became “island prisons” that were just passed by and left to sit with hundreds of thousands of soldiers effectively taken prisoner without anyone having to fire a shot.

其唯一的机动支援是海军和海军的空中力量,因此,日本在中途岛之战后迅速失去海军优势,随着 F6F 地狱猫战机的到来而失去空中优势,然后面对美国的制空权,连锁支援岛的整个概念就瓦解了,许多岛屿”要塞”变成”岛屿监狱” ,一路下去,一枪不发几十万士兵被俘。

They also totally misjudged what the civilian reaction to the attack would be and the extent to which the attack rather than cow the US, actually energized a willingness to carry the war directly to Japan,.
They also completely misunderstood how fast and how many ships the US could build. By 1945, the US had 150+ aircraft carriers deployed (of all classes from escort to fleet carriers), and a Navy of over 11,000 ships and landing craft of all sizes, and the US Navy was the 2nd largest air force on the planet (after the US Army Air Force).

他们还完全误判了美国的建造速度和数量,到1945年,美国部署了150多艘航空母舰( 从护航到攻击航空母舰的所有级别),拥有11000多艘船只和各种大小的登陆艇,美国海军是地球上第二大空军( 仅次于美国陆军空军)。
楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Kelly La Rue, I''m an American
upxed Aug 2
The Japanese leadership never intended to defeat, much less occupy the United States. They knew that was impossible. We didn’t know that and many Americans were in a panic fearing an invasion of the West Coast. This fear is the reason we rounded up and imprisoned Japanese civilians.
They did, like a number of other countries since, vastly underestimate our backbone, fighting spirit, and determination. They were contemptuous of our “softness”. We were not soft, just different, and nicer. If you don’t understand what I mean by nicer then that’s another question.
They hoped they could cow the United States long enough to complete their ambitions in Asia which were threefold:


One: Conquer China and the other Southeast Asian countries down to and eventually to include Australia and the Midway Islands.
Two: Turn the Pacific into a Japanese lake. To this end they even invaded and held part of the Alaskan Aleutian Islands.
Three: Hand the US and her Allies a fait accompli. Once done they thought we would accept that they were the de facto ruler of all the territories they held.
The plan was ambitious but not impossible. But for some critical mistakes during the Pearl Harbor attack they might have succeeded. These mistakes was also threefold:
One: They didn’t get the carriers. These same carriers ended up tearing the heart out of their offensive naval arm and killing any chance of keeping their gains.
Two: They didn’t make a third raid to take out the maintenance arms and fuel storage thus allowing us to keep our fleet operating in the Pacific.
Three: Again they underestimated what we were capable of once they pissed us off.


楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Japan was not militarily or economically powerful enough to fight a long war against the United States, and the Japanese military knew this. Its attack on Pearland Harbor was a tremendous gamble — and though the short-run gamble was successful, the long-run gamble was lost because the Japanese were wrong about the American reaction.


After the Battle of Midway the Japanese were defeated. It just took them a few years of further defeats to accept this. Actually even after they realized they had lost the war they didn’t surrender, partly because of their ideology but also for a more practical reason. They were holding out for a treaty that allowed them to keep at least some of their gains.


Roosevelt and Truman were having none of that. They either surrendered unconditionally meaning the US would set the whatever terms it liked giving Japan no say in whether they kept the emperor or not or it was the possibility of complete destruction. This was a hard one to swallow and they weren’t going to until the Emperor, so horrified after the bombs destroyed two important cities, realizing Japan might be turned into a cinder, insisted they accept Allied terms. It is possible the entry of the Soviet unx into the war played a part in the decision but the Emperor in his announcement to his people credits the bomb for his decision.


Neal Elkind, I was lucky enough to meet a man that survived Iwo Jima
Answered Jul 31
That’s a damn good question. It’s not so much they believed they could defeat the US, but their opinion of us was that we were lazy, indifferent, and had no stomach for war.
Admiral Yamamoto who had lived in the US and knew the capabilities of our production cautioned the Japanese leaders “do not underestimate the power of America and what their capable of”.
The problem that Japan faced was called victory disease, they had never lost a war or battle, and had defeated Russia in the war of 1905, and were starting to believe their own propaganda.

日本这种病叫“ 胜利病”,他们自觉从未输过一场战争或战斗,并在1905年的战争中击败了俄罗斯,开始深信自己的宣传。

Yamamoto was asked to devise a plan for taking out the US right from the start, and he along with trusted aides came up with the Pearl Harbor attack. He did expressly made it clear that Japan declare war before the attack.
He also said I can guarantee that for 6 months we will run wild and take all we attack, and damn if 6 months later the Midway day disaster started the eventual demise of japan. It’s rather spooky when you think about it how exact he was in this prediction he made?
Well we know that no declaration was made, and he said “I’m afraid all we have done is awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve”. How true he was, and 3 1/2 years later japan had been pulverized by a lazy, weak, and indifferent nation.

我们都知道日本没有宣战,但他说: “恐怕我们所做的只是唤醒了一个沉睡的巨人,并使他产生了可怕的决心。”,三年半以后,日本被一个懒惰、软弱、漠不关心的国家粉碎了。

Kevin Delamer, Professor of Strategy at US Naval War College (2007-present)
Answered Nov 3
Japan was guilty of what some strategists call scxt writing. In both the Russo-Japanese and Sino-Japanese Wars, Japan took on numerically a financially more powerful adversaries. In both cases, an initial surprise attack neutralized the opponent’s navy. This had a demoralizing effect on the adversary. Each time, Japan fought a limited war against a diplomatically isolated opponent.

日本犯了一些战略家所说的“剧本错误”,无论是日俄战争还是中日战争,日本都在数量上和经济上更强大的对手较量,这两场战争中,最初的突然袭击都会使对手的海军失去作用,这对敌人的士气产生了打击, 每一次,日本都是与一个外交上孤立的对手进行一场有限的战争。
楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Jay Faulkner, lives in The United States of America
upxed Dec 3
I believe it was likely their experience with Russian empire during the 1904–1905 Russo-Japanese war. The Russians had the resources to win, but they were mostly located in Europe. The Japanese defeated what the Russians were able to get to Asia. The Russians then gave up.


I believe the Japanese hoped that something similar would happen with the United States. In other words, the Japanese didn''t believe they could win a long sustained war. They thought they would inflict a lot of early, smashing defeats and leave the US faced with a Pacific fortress area that would take years to reconquer. They thought the Americans would then just negotiate a peace deal and live with it.


The Japanese lived in an isolated, racially homogeneous society that left them rather ethnocentric. They regarded the diverse population of the United States as a weakness, i.e. a people who couldn''t get on the same page and withstand the rigors of war long enough to win a difficult, sustained fight over a period of years.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Japan''s Navy was skeptical of this view because many of its higher ranking officers had been groomed by the service to have experience living/working abroad. Yet, the Army was the key decider in this case, and its officers were as insular as the broader Japanese population, and probably even more so.


The key goal of the Japanese was to secure natural resources sufficient to sustain its hold over those parts of China that it had conquered. They had two choices to attain those resources: attack the Soviet unx or attack the European and American colonies of Asia. The Japanese Army had been defeated by the Soviet Red Army in 1938 and again in 1939. These disastrous outcomes had made believers out of the Japanese Army. Its leaders thought that attacking the Europeans and Americans would be the easier path to victory.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
he Pearl Harbour attack was meant to cripple said naval assets so that Japan could continue its plans as well planned. They believed that the US would take about 1 to 2 years to recover from the attack and by then most major territories would have been occupied and fortified thus not allowing the US a suitable landing zone for intervention.





发表时间:2018-10-31 23:48:12

更新时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23


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