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楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
True You should create a separate QuickBooks company file for each tax return you file
False In QuickBooks, the start date is the date your company began doing business
False Never use the Advanced Setup option when creating a company file; that option is fot accounting professionals only
True When creating a new company file based on an older one, QuickBooks allows you to keep the existing lists and preferences but removes the transactions
True Company preferences affect the way the company uses QuickBooks to do business
False Individual company preferences can be set by each user
True In QuickBooks, all transactions are tied to an account
True Transactions made prior to turning on the Class preference will NOT have a class assigned
True The "Have a Question?" window changes depending on the active window
False There is no limit to the number of users who can access a company file at a single time
You can grant access rights for specific areas to each employee How can you control what employees can access in your QuickBooks file?
Long Term Liability What account type is used to track an auto loan?
Set up a company file for each tax return you will file If you want to use QuickBooks for multiple companies:
Add your own accounts to the Chart of Accounts after setup is complete Kili is setting up a new company file and, as he scrolls through the list of industries, he doesn't find one that perfectly fits his business. He knows QuickBooks will create accounts based on the industry selected and is worried that it won't have the accounts he needs no matter what industry he chooses. What advice might you give Kili?
He can change the default in the Reports & Graphs category on the Company Preferences tab Miguel is using teh cash basis of accounting in QuickBooks. He's frustrated that whenever he prints a report, he must change the default, which is to print the report using teh accrual basis. How can Miguel make his process easier?
Nothing; only the administrator may set company preferences Talihah wants to allow some of her employees to access her QuickBooks company file, but she's worried that they may change her company prefernces. What should Talihah do?
He can use Reminders to remind him of the upcoming bills Roger is new to QuickBooks. He used to use a paper calendar to flag when upcoming bills were due. How can Roger use QuickBooks to remind himself of upcoming bill due dates?
Information held in the accounts All reports in the Report Center are based on:
Classes Which of these provides a way of grouping transactions according to your company's reporting and analyzing needs?
Transactions Classes can be assigned to:
Turn on class tracking in the Company Preferences Leila heard that classes can help her track unique aspects of her business, and she wants to start using them. She's looking for the Class column in the Create Invoices window but doesn't see it. What should Leila do?
All of these options Which statement about report email functionality in QuickBooks is true?
- You can email reports from any report window
- Reports can be delivered as PDF or Excel files
- Emailed reports look as if they were printed directly from QuickBooks
Bank: Savings Account
Other Current Asset: Prepaid Rent
Fixed Asset: Machinery
Credit Card: American Express
Other Current Liability: Short term loan
Long Term Liability: Mortgage
Equity: Opening balance equity Match each account type to its appropiate example
Start Date: Should not be too far in the past
Company Preference: Controlled by the administrator
Personal Preference: Controlled by individual users
Start Setup: Allows you to set up new a company file with only basic information
Advanced Setup: Allows you to provide more information when creating your company file
Chart of Accounts: Listing of all asset, liability, equity, income, and expense accounts
Subaccounts: Can decrease the number of accounts shown on a Profit & Loss report Match each QuickBooks term to its description
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
False Changing a transaction that has been cleared through reconciliation should NOT cause any problems
False Using a debit card deducts funds from a checking account, which is an asset. This means the debit card normal balance is a credit.
True Bank Feeds automatically download your transaction history and account balance
True Each balance sheet account has it's own register
False It is NOT necessary to indicate the main type of account when creating a new account
False Deposits are the first step in the cycle if a sale
True In QuickBooks, there is no limit to the number of credit cards you can use
False All financial institutions offer bank feed services that integrate with QuickBooks
True If you use a personal credit card ocassionaly for business purposes, you should NOT enter it into QuickBooks as business credit card
Discrepancies between QuickBooks and a bank statement What does a reconciliation report show?
Assets In the Chart of Accounts, what are bank accounts listed as?
Debit the account that is increasing and credit the account that is decreasing Which statement about transferring funds between two asset accounts is true?
She can click a column heading to sort that column Rasha doesn't like how her Chart of Accounts is sorted and that she must scroll up/down to find the accounts. What can she do to make it easier to find the accounts she needs?
Funds received through sales are held in Received Payments, and you must move them to your bank account Which statement about making deposits is true?
credit A credit card is a liability, so its normal balance is a ...
He entered both a debit card payment and a write checks payment Adam is entering his utility bill payment into QuickBooks for the first time. In the Enter Bills window he uses a debit card to pay, and then he enters the transaction in the Write Checks window. Later he notices that the expense for the transaction shows as twice the amount he paid. Why?
Deleted transactions are removed; voided transactions are recorded and become part of the overall records Which statement about deleted and voided transactions is true?
Any of these options
-He can email the reports to himself as PDF or Excel files
-He can export the reports to Excel
-He can save the reports to his computer as PDF files Wasim is a meticukous record-keeper and has been printing his QuickBooks reports every day, but he's becoming concerned about the cost and overuse of paper. How else could Wasim keep a record of his QuickBooks reports?
assets and liabilities You can use the Balance Sheet Summary report to check that ... are accurate and in balance
Reconciliation will be quicker because most transactions will have been matched already Lamar finds reconciling his bank statement with his QuickBooks file at the end of the month too time-consuming. Upon learning that his bank offers a bank feed with QuickBooks, Lamar signs up for the service. How will this change his monthly reconciliation?
Doc Center What QuickBooks feauture allows you to upload, store, and use scanned documents and other files?
Match each report the question it will answer -Register QuickReport:What are all the transactions in my Checking account involving a specific payee?
-Reconciliation Summary: What checks have not cleared the bank as of the last bank statement?
-Company Snapshot: Where can I see a quick view of my company's bottom line?
-Balance Sheet: Which report shows all asset, liability, and equity accounts?
-Reconciliation Discrepancy: What changes in transactions may affect my next reconciliation?
Match each description to its term -Funds are taken directly from your checking acount: Debit card purchase
-After this you can choose to write a check or enter a bill for the payment: Credit card reconciliation
-Shows transactions that have and have not yet cleared the bank: Reconciliation Reports
-Shows all asset, liabilty, and equity accounts:Balance Sheet
-Provides a quick view of the company's bottom line: Company Snapshot
Match each account name to its type -Retail Product Sales: Income
-Furniture and Equipment:Fixed Asset
-Payroll Liabilities:Other Current Liability
-Owner's Draw:Equity
-Undeposited Funds:Other Current Asset
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
True Data entry is the same in QuickBooks whether you use accrual or cash basis accounting
True Always back up your company file to a location NOT on the same hard drive as the original file
False The cash basis accounting means the sale transaction is recorded when the sale is made, and expenses are recorded when they are incurred
False QuickBooks for Mac has the same basic look as the Windows version, but the functions are different
False Leann works for a nonprofit organization. At a past job she used QuickBooks CANNOT be used for nonprofits
False Rahim is having trouble managing his small business's finances. His friend is encouraging him to purchase QuickBooks because, "You don't have to know anything about accounting. QuickBooks does all the work and prevents you from having any problems." Is what Rahim's friend is saying true or false?
True The QuickBooks working file has the .QBW extension and is the company file.
False The working QuickBooks company file, with the .QBW extension, is a compressed file
True In QuickBooks, portable files must be restored before use
True The active window will always appear at the top of the Open Window List
Restoring The act of decompressing a QuickBooks portable file is called:
As they are entered (automatically) When are transactions saved in QuickBooks?
Accrual Basis What accounting method records income when a sale is made and records an expense when it is incurred?
All of these options What can you do with QuickBooks? (Run payroll for employees, Process sales transactions and cash receipts, Run end-of-period financial reports)
Both lists and reporting Which of these QuickBooks tasks do/does NOT take place behind the scenes?
The company uses the same accounting principles and methods from year to year Which of these describes the GAAP consistency principle?
Income is recorded when sales are made; expenses are recorded when incurred Omar is setting up his company in QuickBooks and selects the accrual basis of accounting. How will his business record income and expenses?
Create a backup file Keith has been using QuickBooks for several years. The system has recently been performing slowly, and Keith is worried that his company file is corrupted. What can Keith do to check the integrity of his file?
The workflow to follow when executing tasks in QuickBooks What do the arrows on the QuickBooks Home page indicate?
There is no need to save because QuickBooks automatically saves all actions Rasha is working in QuickBooks as a heavy storm begins. Her building is notorious for losing power during storms, so she wants to save her company file right away. How should she do this?
Daily Elise's business has hundreds of transactions every day, and her accountant has suggested she back up her QuickBooks company file to secure her data. With so many daily transactions, how often should Elise back up her company file?
It opens the last company file that was open when you exited QuickBooks If you've already been using QuickBooks, what does it do automatically when you start it?
A basic knowledge of debits and credits, and what happens behind the scenes What prior accounting knowledge should you have before using QuickBooks?
Match each QuickBooks file type to its description Company File: A decompressed, regular file for carrying out daily transactions

Backup File: A compressed copy of your data that can be stored online

Portable Company File: A compressed copy of your data; great for sending via email

Transaction Log File: Helps to recover any data entered after the last backup

Network Data File: Contains important configuration data; should not be deleted
Match these accounting terms to their descriptions Behind the Scenes: The accounting QuickBooks performs when a transaction is recorded

Activities: What the user enters on forms such as invoices or bills

GAAP: Principles generally accepted in the accounting world
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
1A customer is a person or a company to whom or which you issue funds --- false
2 You can delete a customer from the Customers & Jobs List as long as that customer hasn’t been used in a transaction. ---true
3.If you want to invoice a customer for a service, the service must first be set up as an item. -true
When you use a sales receipt to bill a customer, Accounts Receivable is debited.--false

Invoicing a customer is also known as a customer making a purchase on account. --true
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
You can enter customers “on the fly” in the Create Invoices window. --true
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
7When you void a transaction, every trace of it is removed from behind the scenes, but evidence that the transaction existed remains in QuickBooks.-- true
8When you void a transaction, every trace of it is removed from behind the scenes, but evidence that the transaction existed remains in QuickBooks. ---false

If an invoice is entered but the Receive Payments window is not used when the payment is deposited, your income will be double-stated.--true
The Invoice Status Tracker shows you how many days an invoice is overdue.--true
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
Which account is debited when invoices are created?--AR

Which type of account is the Undeposited Funds account?--CURRENT ASSET

Which QuickBooks form would you use if a customer is making a purchase on account?--
Create Invoices
14Which type of information can you find using the QuickBooks Search feature?--All of these options
Amounts and dates
Menu commands
All of these options
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
Entering Bills
After you have set up your initial Vendor List, you can begin to enter spending transactions. In this section, you will learn to enter bills and use accounts payable, which is the account credited when bills are entered. When you enter a bill, you must specify a vendor because accounts payable will be credited by the transaction.

When entering bills, you need to decide if the expenditure is for an expense or for items that you will add to your inventory, if you are tracking inventory.

The Enter Bills window displaying a completed billSelect buttons below to read about elements of the imageThe Ribbon shows commands such as Memorize and Pay Bill.This area provides a snapshot of information for the selected vendor.This drop-down arrow € allows you to select an existing vendor, and stored information will fill in.To pass on an expense to a customer, select the Customer:Job and check the Billable column.
The Importance of Entering Reference Numbers and Memos
When entering a bill, it is very important to enter reference information or the bill number in the Ref. No. field and notes in the Memo fields. The first memo field is for information that will print on a check created when you pay this bill. The second memo field is for internal use and can include any information that you want to track. The memo information displays in reports, is searchable, and can aid you if you are looking for a bill.

Passing on Expenses to Customers
When you enter a bill, you may be purchasing equipment or supplies or incurring a consultant’s fee that you want to pass on to the customer. QuickBooks allows you to easily indicate which expenses are to be billed to a customer by providing a “Billable?” column in the Enter Bills window. Whenyou make an item billable to a specific customer, the next time you invoice that customer you will be asked if you’d like to add the outstanding billable time and costs to the invoice.

The Billable Time/Costs window - The customer or job you've selected has outstanding billable time and/or costs. Do you want to: Select the outstanding billable time and costs to add to this invoice or Exclude outstanding billable time and costs at this time? (You may add these later by clicking the Add Time/Costs button at the top of the invoice.)zoom image
Remember that when a company purchases assets, it should record them at cost, not fair market value. For example, if you bought an item worth $750 for $100, the item should be recorded at $100.

The cost of goods sold (COGS) comprises expenses that are directly related to the manufacture or acquisition of products or services that the company sells. Some expenses that might be considered COGS are labor, raw materials, depreciation, and overhead. You cannot pass on the COGS to a customer (it is instead incorporated into the final price of the product), so make sure that you use the proper type of account (expense) if the costs are to be billed to your customer.

When entering bills, QuickBooks takes care of all the accounting for you. Here is an illustration of the accounting going on behind the scenes.

zoom image
QuickBooks credits the subregister for the vendor (Rankin Family Insurance) along with Accounts Payable.

VendorsEnter Bills


In this exercise, you will enter bills, track expenses, and enter a vendor “on the fly.” You just received a bill for Internet service that you will enter into QuickBooks.

Click the Enter Bills task icon in the Vendors area of the Home Page.
Click the Vendor drop-down arrow on the bill and then choose GJB Wireless, Inc.
Look at the form and notice that the vendor’s address and terms fill in for you from the underlying list and that the due date is calculated.
Enter this information to create a bill:
Date: 091023
The date will format correctly after you leave this field.
Ref. No.: Inv 0616 08/2023
Amount Due: 61.28
Memo: GJB Wireless, Internet Service 08/2023
Account column under the Expenses tab: Type co and then choose 61700•Computer and Internet Expenses.
When you typed co, QuickBooks filled in Computer and Internet Expenses from the underlying list for you (in this case, the Chart of Accounts).
Set Default Accounts for a Vendor
You know that all bills for GJB Wireless, Inc., will use the same expense account, so you will now edit the vendor and set the account prefills right from the Enter Bills window.

Click the Edit button in the history pane of the Enter Bills window to display the Edit Vendor window.
Click the Account Settings tab and then choose 61700•Computer and Internet Expenses from the first drop-down list.
Click OK to save the changes to the vendor record and return to the bill.
Change the Terms on the bill to Net 15.
Whenever you make a change to a vendor’s information on a form such as the Enter Bills window, QuickBooks asks whether you want to make that change permanent when you save. Otherwise, the new information will appear only on the current form.
Click Save & New to enter the bill and then click Yes to change the default Terms for the vendor. Leave the Enter Bills window open for the next step.
61700•Computer and Internet Expenses DR 61.28; 20000•Accounts Payable CR <61.28>

Enter a Bill for a Vendor Not on the Vendor List
When you enter a vendor name that is not on the Vendor List, QuickBooks allows you to add it to the Vendor List “on the fly.”

In the Vendor field at the top of a new bill, type Rankin Family Insurance and then tap Tab.
A Vendor Not Found window will appear.
Click Set Up.
You could have chosen to Quick Add the vendor, in which case you could proceed with the bill; however, you would have to return to the Vendor List at a later time and edit the entry to enter all the vendor information in your company file.
Enter the following information to create the new vendor:
Company Name: Rankin Family Insurance
Full Name: Mrs. Mary Rankin
Job Title: Owner/Agent
Main Phone: (650) 555-7762
Address Details Billed From: 1456 Pine St. Enter Bayshore, CA 91547
Click Copy>> and then click OK to copy the address to the Shipped From field.
Click OK to accept the information for the new vendor.
Enter this information to create the bill:
Date: 091023
Ref. No: Inv 769 08/2023
Amount Due: 125.49
Memo: Rankin, Inv 769 08/2023
A good practice is to fill in both memo fields; you can copy the memo from the first memo field into the memo field on the expense line, if that is faster for you.
Account: Type ins and choose 63300•Insurance Expense
63300•Insurance Expense DR 125.49; 20000•Accounts Payable CR <125.49>

Click Save & Close to record the bill.
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
Record Sales Transactions and Receive Payments
In this exercise, you will be helping Dr. James to record invoices and cash sales. You will enter the sales information and update the Customer’s record to capture the custom field information for each pet.

Choose FileOpen or Restore Company.
Open AYS_A3_Chapter02 (Company) or restore AYS_A3_Chapter02 (Portable) and save your file as: AYS_A3_Chapter02 Wet Noses Clinic
On 06/01/2023, Emily Dallas brought her dog, Cowboy, in for an Exam, Vaccine, and Rabies Vaccine. She also bought two boxes of treats. Create an invoice for these services and items. Terms are Net 30; choose to save the new terms for the customer. Add a customer message and for the memo type: Dallas: Dog-Cowboy, Exam & Vaccines
On 06/02/2023, Ellie Sanders brought her cat, Josie, in for a New Patient Exam, Feline DHC, and FIV/FeLV, and one box of treats treat. She paid cash, so you will need to create a sales receipt for her. Add a customer message and for the memo type: Sanders: Cat-Josie, New Patient
On 06/03/2023, Becky Todd brought her dog, Jedi, in for an ACTH Stimulation Test, CBC Chem, and Boarding for three nights. Create an invoice for her. Add a customer message and for the memo type: Todd: Dog-Jedi, Boarding & Tests
On 06/04/2023, Edison York brought his dog, Scruffy, in for Dental and Boarding for two nights. He paid cash, so create a sales receipt for him. Add a customer message and for the memo type: York: Dog-Scruffy, Dental & Boarding
Leave the company file open for the next exercise.
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

Methods of Evaluation:
Preassignments 110 points
Homework 180 points
Examinations 300 points
Excel Budget Project 100 points
Total Points Possible 690 points
Extra Credit (?)

Grades: Student’s grades in this course will be based upon the following grading scale:
A 90-100% 621-690 points
B 80-89% 552-620 points
C 70-79% 483-551 points
D 60-69% 414-482 points
F 59% and below 413 and under
To ensure we’re all on the same page: I expect you to make mistakes! Making a mistake while practicing is how we learn. Understanding that struggling a little, reaching out when you’re “stuck,” and looking at problems like a puzzle is how I suggest you tackle the assignments in this course. Give yourself plenty of time. Do not try to complete all homework assignment problems in one session.
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18


Dates that our Class Meets Course Schedule
Check here for reading assignments, homework assignments, preassignment due dates and examination dates. Students should bring a copy of this schedule and their syllabus with them to class each date. Although every effort will be made to stick with this schedule, I reserve the right to modify the schedule if necessary. Note: Preassignments will be due by Midnight the night BEFORE the first Zoom class covering the chapter. Most homework is due by Midnight the Saturday AFTER we complete the chapter. (Due dates in parenthesis.)
Week 1

Module 0 & Module 1 Monday, August 17th

Introduction, Welcome, Community Building, & Growth Mindset
Syllabus, requirements, and expectations.
What is MyAccountingLab and how do I get it?
What is Canvas? http://www.sdccdonline.net/students/training/
What you Need to Do:
**5 points Extra Credit for Completing Chapter 2 Preassignment by the due date!
⦁ Read Chapter 1 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
⦁ Read Chapter 2 Building Blocks of Managerial Accounting
⦁ Chapter 2 Preassignment Due by Midnight (Due 08/18) *Tuesday*
August 19th In-Class:
Chapter 1: Quick overview
Chapter 2: Begin Lecture and problem-solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Ask your instructor any questions you have from the reading or in-class discussion/assignments
⦁ Start working in Chapter 2 Study Plan (MAL) *optional*
⦁ Start Chapter 2 Homework (MAL)
⦁ Chapter 1 Homework Due by Midnight (Due 08/22) *Saturday*
Week 2

Module 1 Monday, August 24th In-Class:
Chapter 2: Continue Lecture and Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Continue working in Chapter 2 Study Plan (MAL) *optional*
⦁ Start Chapter 2 Homework (MAL)
Wednesday, August 26th In-Class:
Chapter 2: Finish Lecture and Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Read Chapter 3 Job Costing
⦁ Refresh memory on basic Financial Accounting (Income Statement, Account categories, Debit/Credit theory (T-Accounts and Journal Entries)
⦁ Chapter 2 Homework Due by Midnight (Due 08/29) *Saturday*
⦁ Chapter 3 Preassignment Due by Midnight (Due 08/30) *Sunday*
Week 3

Module 1 Monday, August 31st In-Class:
Chapter 3: Start Lecture and Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Practice Chapter 3 problems using the Study Plan in MAL
⦁ Start Chapter 3 Homework
Wednesday, September 2nd In-Class:
Chapter 3: Finish Lecture & Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Chapter 3 Homework Due by Midnight (Due 09/05) *Saturday*
⦁ Print or Download Exam 1 Study Guide and bring to next class
⦁ Start studying for Exam 1
Week 4

Module 1 Monday, September 7th Labor Day: No Zoom Class. Professor Wade will be unavailable.
Wednesday, September 9th In-Class:
Exam 1 Review (Chapters 1-3)
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Study, ask questions, practice problems in the Study Plan, and review the Study Guide
Week 5

Module 1 Monday, September 14th In-Class:
Exam 1 Review (Chapters 1-3) and/or Q&A
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Read Chapter 4: Activity Based Costing, Lean Operations, and the Costs of Quality
⦁ Read through materials for Chapter 4 (Module 2)
⦁ MAL Chapter 4 Preassignment (Due 9/15 by Midnight) *Sunday*
⦁ Optional: Exam 1 Study Guide EC (Due 9/19 by Midnight) *Saturday*
⦁ Examination 1 (Chapters 1-3) (Due 9/19 by Midnight) *Saturday*
Wednesday, September 16th In-Class:
Chapter 4 Lecture and Problem-Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Start working in Chapter 4 Study Plan (MAL)
⦁ Start Chapter 4 Homework (MAL)
Week 6

Module 2 Monday, September 21st In-Class:
Chapter 4: Lecture and Problem-Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Read Chapter 6: Cost Behavior
⦁ Chapter 6 Preassignment Due by Midnight (Due 09/22) *Tuesday*
⦁ Chapter 4 Homework Due by Midnight (Due 09/26) *Saturday*
Wednesday, September 23rd In-Class:
Chapter 6: Begin Lecture and Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Start working in Chapter 6 Study Plan (MAL)
⦁ Start Chapter 6 Homework (MAL)
Week 7

Module 2 Monday, September 28th In-Class:
Chapter 6: Finish Lecture and Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Read Chapter 7: Cost Volume Profit
⦁ Chapter 7 Preassignment Due by Midnight (09/29) *Tuesday*
⦁ Chapter 6 Homework Due by Midnight (Due 10/03) *Saturday*
Wednesday, September 30th In-Class:
Chapter 7: Begin Lecture and Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Start working in Chapter 7 Study Plan (MAL)
Start Chapter 7 Homework (MAL)
Week 8

Module 2 Monday, October 5th In-Class:
Chapter 7: Finish Lecture and Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Print or Download Study Guide for Exam 2
⦁ Chapter 7 Homework Due by Midnight (Due 10/10) *Saturday*
Monday, October 7th In-Class:
Exam 2 Review

What you Need to Do:
⦁ Print or Download Exam 2 Study Guide & Bring to Class
Study for exam 2, practice problems in Exam 2 EC Assignment & Study Plan
Week 9

Module 3 Monday, October 12th In-Class:
Exam 2 Review & Q&A
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Read Chapter 9: The Master Budget
⦁ Chapter 9 Preassignment Due by Midnight (10/13) *Tuesday*
⦁ Bring Laptop with Open Office OR Excel (if you have one)
⦁ Download Chapter 9 Excel Template (MAL Document Sharing)
⦁ Optional: Exam 2 Study Guide EC (Due 10/17 by Midnight) *Saturday*
⦁ Examination 2 (Chapters 4,6 & 7) (Due 10/17 by Midnight) *Saturday*
Wednesday, October 14th In-Class:
Chapter 9: Begin Lecture (in Excel)
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Bring Laptop/Computer with Open Office OR Excel (if you have one)
⦁ Start Chapter 9 Homework
Week 10

Module 3 Monday, October 19th In-Class:
Chapter 9 Excel Assignment
Handout Chapter 9 Excel Assignment, Group Selection, & Begin Project
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Bring Laptop/Computer with Open Office OR Excel (if you have one)
Wednesday, October 21st In-Class:
Chapter 9 Q&A
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Read Chapter 10: Performance Evaluation
⦁ Chapter 9 Homework Due by Midnight (Due 10/24) *Saturday*
⦁ Chapter 10 Preassignment Due by Midnight (10/25) *Sunday*
Week 11

Module 3 Monday, October 26th In-Class:
Chapter 10: Lecture and Homework
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Read Chapter 11: Standard Costs & Variances
⦁ Chapter 11 Preassignment Due by Midnight (10/27) *Tuesday*
⦁ Chapter 10 Homework Due by Midnight (Due 10/31) *Saturday*
Wednesday, October 28th In-Class:
Chapter 11: Start Lecture and Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Continue working on Chapter 9 Excel Project
⦁ Start Chapter 11 Homework
Week 12

Module 3 Monday, November 2nd In-Class:
Chapter 11: Finish Lecture and Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Chapter 11 Homework Due by Midnight (Due 11/07) *Saturday*
⦁ Finish and Print Chapter 9 Case
⦁ Print or Download Study Guide for Exam 3
Wednesday, November 4th In-Class:
Review for Examination 3
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Print or Download Exam 3 Study Guide & Bring to Class
⦁ Study for exam 3, practice problems in Exam 3 Extra Credit Assignment and Study Plan
Week 13

Module 3 Monday, November 9th In-Class:
Review for Examination 3 & Q&A
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Chapter 9 Excel Case Due upload in Canvas
⦁ Print or Download Exam 3 Study Guide & Bring to Class
⦁ Study for Exam 3, practice problems in Exam 3 EC Assignment and Study Plan
⦁ Optional: Complete the Exam 2 Study Guide EC (Due 11/14 by Midnight) *Saturday*
⦁ Examination 3 (Chapters 7-9) (Due 11/14 by Midnight) *Saturday*
⦁ Read Chapter 8: Relevant Costs for Short-term Decision Making
⦁ Chapter 8 Preassignment Due by Midnight (11/15) *Sunday*
Wednesday, November 11th No Class: Veterans Day Holiday. Professor Wade will be unavailable.

Week 14

Module 4 Monday, November 16th In-Class:
Chapter 8: Begin Lecture and homework
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Start working in Chapter 8 Study Plan (MAL)
⦁ Start Chapter 8 Homework (MAL)
Wednesday, November 18th In-Class:
Chapter 8: Finish Lecture and homework
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Read Chapter 12: Capital Investments and Time Value of Money
⦁ Chapter 8 Homework Due by Midnight (Due 11/21) *Saturday*
⦁ Chapter 12 Preassignment Due by Midnight (Due 11/29) *Sunday*
November 23rd-November 29th Thanksgiving Break-No Class. Professor Wade will be unavailable.
Week 15

Module 2 Monday, November 30th In-Class:
Chapter 12: Lecture and Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Read Chapter 13: Statement of Cash Flows
⦁ Chapter 13 Preassignment Due by Midnight (Due 12/01) *Tuesday*
⦁ Chapter 12 Homework Due by Midnight (Due 12/05) *Saturday*
Wednesday, December 2nd In-Class:
Chapter 13: Start Lecture & Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Start studying for Exam 4 (EC Study Guide)
⦁ Start working in Chapter 13 Study Plan (MAL)
⦁ Start Chapter 13 Homework (MAL)
Week 16

Module 4 Monday, December 7th In-Class:
Chapter 13: Finish Lecture and Problem Solving
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Chapter 13 Homework Due by Midnight (Due 12/12) *Saturday*
Wednesday, December 9th In-Class:
Exam 4 Review &/or Q&A
What you Need to Do:
⦁ Complete any missed/incomplete assignments by December 14th at 11:59pm
⦁ Email your instructor if you have any questions about your points in Canvas
⦁ Final Exam/Exam 4 (Chapters 10 and 12) (Due 12/14 by Midnight) *Monday*
⦁ Optional EC Study Guide for Exam 4 (Due 12/14 by Midnight) *Monday*
Monday, December 14th In-Class:
Prof Available for Questions

What you Need to Do:
⦁ Final Exam/Exam 4 (Chapters 10 and 12) (Due 12/14 by Midnight) *Monday*
⦁ Optional EC Study Guide for Exam 4 (Due 12/14 by Midnight) *Monday*
?I hope to see you next semester in my Accounting 116B course!
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18
Complete the following statements with one of the terms listed here. You may use a term more than​ once, and some terms may not be used at all.

Managerial accounting

Financial accounting

Information on a company's past performance is provided to external parties by
financial accounting

Managerial accounting
systems are chosen by comparing the costs versus the benefits of the system and are not

restricted by GAAP (or International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS, in the case of companies headquartered in many

countries outside of the United States).

Managerial accounting
systems report on various segments or business units of the company.

Financial accounting develops reports for external parties such as

When managers evaluate the company's performance compared to the plan, they are performing the

role of management.

CPAs audit the
financial accounting
statements of public companies.

Companies must follow GAAP (or International Financial Reporting Standards, IRFS, in the case of companies headquartered

in many countries outside of the United States) in their
financial accounting

Choosing goals and the means to achieve them is the
function of management.

Decision makers inside a company are the
楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18

楼主:桑田岛  时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18




发表时间:2020-02-06 21:12:56

更新时间:2020-11-06 10:43:18


帖子来源:天涯  访问原帖




