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楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
Is the amount of times we can incarnate as humans limited?
By alaje · Sunday, June 6th, 2010
Question: I would to ask you if it’s a true, that we only have 108 times for incarnate in this world like humans and if we can’t learn all the lessons in that time we need to go back again like souls and incarnate in evolute animals until lost all egos and next incarnate like a mineral again.
I ask you because I’ve read this and i am not sure if would be true or we have the free chance to incarnate again like humans many times until we can reach the true light. I’ve read to we have only 108 chances and we are now in the end times and we should be are in the last numbers (107).
Answer: That is totally wrong information. Every soul has unlimited lifes, according to the speed of learning, and according to what a soul wants to learn.You can NOT tell a number for lifes. It is individual. Everybody is an individual person. NOT a machine with a date of expiry.
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
I’m going crazy trying to find out where I come from! What should I do?
By alaje · Tuesday, June 8th, 2010
Question: Where do i come from? I tried an astral chart reading, but the astrologer did not find any clues! I have teachers up in 7 dimension, i can remember it now; but for some reason i cant know who i am and where i come from! I was contacted by ships, which followed me to the grocery store, big one seemed to be triangular in shape and small one, that flew behind it. Any clues where such (triangular) ships can come from? I swear, i feel like I’m going to go crazy trying to find out, who i am…
Answer: That is not important, because every soul is going to many places. More important is to master and concentrate on the PRESENT LIFE.
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
How can I clear out my cell memories from past traumas?
By alaje · Tuesday, June 8th, 2010
Question: I have some blocks from past lifes, that i don’t get rid off, this is disturbing me in this life, i have tried with meditations and other things, but they just won’t disappear. Do you have any opinion about regression hypnosis? So, i don’t have to be stuck with this cell memories? Can this be a good thing to do or can it do any damage to the soul?
Answer: If you already know what is blocking you, you can work on erasing them. In meditation you can think about it, and think of solutions that you can make. In your daily life, you can watch the situations that are coming to you and think about what they are trying to tell you. Once you have filter the lesson and wisdom of the blockades, they will never come back, because you have master them, and the knowledge is deep stored in your soul.
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
Do we always reincarnate with the same soul group?
By alaje · Thursday, July 8th, 2010
Question: Do we always reincarnate with the same soul grou****ot?
Answer: You are incarnating alone, and only in rare cases there are groups, for instance when there is a transformation of a planet going to happen.
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
Is it possible to meet someone in this life I know from previous lifes?
By alaje · Sunday, September 5th, 2010
Question: During my teenage years, i want to believe i had past life dreams, they seem very real and in different times. One was in the 50′s or 60′s, were i was wearing a poodle dress and a boy was with me, this boy seemed in love with me, and i felt the same way, i couldn’t even look at him because i would melt… In this life i met someone that made me feel this way, but he is not with me, and it seems he is not a good person. But i can’t help the way i feel about him, and last time i saw him, i had the same hypnotic feeling every time i looked at him. In the past life it ended up in a car accident. Could this guy i met be the same guy in the past life?
Answer: If you have karma with some persons, you meet them in many lifes.
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
Why can’t we remember past lives?
By alaje · Friday, September 10th, 2010
Question: Why are we forgotten all own past lives?
Answer: I have answered this many times in older comments. More important now is to look what you can learn in THIS life, and if it is related to past lifes, because of karmic issues, you will get some sign.
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
Alaje, you can remember past lives. Shouldn’t everybody be able to do that?
By alaje · Thursday, October 28th, 2010
Question: According to the rules of the 3d-game, when we incarnate we can’t remember who we are. But people like you or the people who channel the messages from the higher dimensions release informations so that the earthlings can read (or hear them) and so they get knowing about the big mystery of life. But shouldn’t every earthling get to this knowledge by his own experiences and through enlightenment without help from the outer world? This is just a kind of dilemma what i can’t understand.
Answer: What is it that you can’t understand? Everybody has his own speed of learning, and everybody attracts informations when he is ready for it. The Existence is using ANYTHING to give you informations: other people, situations, things, symbols, sounds, thoughts, feelings….ANYTHING.
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
Why are some people disabled/die at very young age?
By alaje · Thursday, October 28th, 2010
Question: A soul decide to reincarnate in a body of earth human which has the syndrome of Dawn or in a being mentally deficient. What is the purpose of its life-plan considering that in this specific life the soul can not evolve spiritually because of the sickness of the body-brain? When a small child die in a accident without to have the blame and without to have of course the time and the chance to develop its consciousness and to evolve, that was in its life-plan or not?
Answer: You are forgetting that many people are reincarnating with negative Karma. As i say in my videos. Everything you do comes back, sooner or later. That is why it is important to be spiritual, to be aware of what you are doing. Evil people with hate energy, are reincarnating of course with problems. They have created it themselves. Your thoughts and feeling are creating your reality.
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
Is there a way to delete negative karma?
By alaje · Thursday, October 28th, 2010
Question: Alaje according to your full of wiseness answer, can a negative karma of a soul be eliminated through asking sincerely the existence for forgiveness via prayer or meditation or the only way is the spiritual life with positive words, actions, feelings and thoughts?
Answer: You can change negative karma with POSITIVE Karma. With positive actions, thoughts, words….with LOVE. Creating LIGHT energy instead of a dark hate energy like many are doing on this planet.
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
Can I choose my gender when reincarnating?
By alaje · Tuesday, November 16th, 2010
Question: When i die for example, and incarnate in the next life, is the source who choose if i will be a man or a woman? Or i have this choice like i have the choice to choose the planet where i want to learn (depending of my wisdom also).
Answer: YOU are responsible for your life. YOU are choosing and creating EVERYTHING related to the next life.
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
Is reincarnation therapy useful?
By alaje · Tuesday, November 30th, 2010
Question: Hi Alaje, is reincarnation therapy useful and do past-life regressions work?
Answer: These things are only useful when:
1) The therapist is TRULY spiritual and knows about energies and dimensions.
2) you want to recognize and resolve karmic issues from past lifes
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
Are we similiar to our current self in the next life?
By alaje · Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Question: In the next life, do we have similar character, similar way of think, similar level of spirituality, to go on in our spiritual development?
Answer: It depends on what experiences you want to make.
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
Does it mean I come from the pleiades when I feel attracted to it?
By alaje · Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Question: I heard that when you feel attracted to certain star syste***ike when you hear it’s name or something similar) it means you come from there? I always had such a feeling of being connected, joy and aspiration when I either read or heard the words Pleiades or pleiadian.
Answer: Well, it’s possible that when you feel something like that you had many lives on those planets.
楼主:I_mlegend  时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07
How do I know if I don’t have to reincarnate on earth again?
By alaje · Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Question: I have a question regarding the soul’s decision to reincarnate after this life. How do we know, when we have “graduated” from Earth and can move to a higher evolved planet in the next life? I have met kind, loving beings from other worlds in the astral plane. We communicated telepathically. I would like to continue the next life in a dimension with those kind of people. How do i know, i don’t need to come back here and experience the negative environment of Earth to keep learning other lessons?
Answer: When you lived spiritual on Earth and your consciousness is not confused with earth-superstition, and leave the earth body as a pure loving soul, you will know where you have to go next.




发表时间:2020-04-27 05:45:51

更新时间:2020-05-26 17:25:07


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