脱水读 >  天涯 >  关天茶舍 >  西方哲学的真相:中国之外再无哲学


楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Hitlerhimself acknowledged, both in public and in private, that he had misjudged theextent and scale of the Soviet threat. “Certainly, though, we were mistakenabout one thing,” the German leader told a large audience in Berlin on Oct. 3,1941. “We had no idea how gigantic the preparations of this enemy were againstGermany and Europe and how immeasurably great was the danger; how we just barelyescaped annihilation, not only of Germany but also of Europe.”


TheUS government responded to the news of the German-led offensive with anofficial statement, issued by Deputy Secretary of State Sumner Welles.Completely ignoring the points made by the leaders in Berlin, it claimed thatGermany’s “treacherous” attack was part of a plan by Hitler “for the cruel andbrutal enslavement of all peoples and for the ultimate destruction of theremaining free democracies.”


Actually, it was the Soviet Union – the world’smost oppressive regime at the time – that was dedicated to the eradication of“free democracies” and to the ultimate triumph of “proletarian dictatorship” inall countries. Stalin had made clear his elemental hostility to “freedemocracy” when the Red Army tried impose a Bolshevik regime on Finland in the“Winter War” of 1939-1940. In fact, soldiers of Finland – a parliamentarydemocracy – were now fighting as allies of Hitler’s Germany against theSoviets.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Inrecent years, however, a growing number of historians have assembledconsiderable evidence that validates key points made by Hitler and the Germangovernment, and which shows that the Soviets were preparing a massive assault.The most influential of these historians has probably been a former Soviet GRUmilitary intelligence officer, Vladimir Rezun. In a series of books writtenunder the pen name of Viktor Suvorov, he has presented impressive evidence toshow that the Soviet regime was preparing a massive offensive against Germanyand Europe, and that the German-led attack forestalled an imminent Sovietstrike. It is Stalin, not Hitler – he says – who should be considered the“chief culprit” of World War II.

然而,近年来,越来越多的历史学家收集了大量的证据,证明希特勒和德国政府的观点是正确的,这表明苏联正准备发动大规模进攻。这些历史学家中最有影响力的可能是前苏联GRU(格勒乌,苏军总参谋部情报总局)军事情报官员弗拉基米尔·丽兹。在维克多•苏沃洛夫(Viktor Suvorov)笔名所著的一系列著作中,他提供了令人印象深刻的证据,表明苏联政权正准备对德国和欧洲发动大规模进攻,而德国领导的进攻阻止了苏联即将发动的攻击。他说,应该被认为是二战“罪魁祸首”的是斯大林,而不是希特勒。

Numerousdocuments and other historical evidence have come to light in recent decadesthat validate key points made in the German statements of June 22, 1941. Thisevidence also thoroughly discredits the simplistic portrayal of theGerman-Soviet clash, and indeed of the Second World War itself, that USofficials and prominent historians presented to the American public during thewar, and for years afterwards.


Even ifthe leaders in Germany, Finland, and other European countries were mistaken inbelieving that a Soviet assault was imminent, they certainly had ample reasonto regard the Stalin regime as a dangerous threat, and to conclude that theSoviets were deploying vast military forces in preparation for attack at somepoint in the future. The reasons given by Hitler and his government to justifythe German-led attack were not lies or pretexts.

即使德国、芬兰和其他欧洲国家的领导人错误地认为苏联即将发动进攻, 他们当然有充足的理由将斯大林政权视为一个危险的威胁,并得出结论,苏联正在部署庞大的军事力量,准备在未来某个时候发动攻击。希特勒及其政府为德国领导的袭击辩解的理由不是谎言或借口。

Indeed,the German, Finnish, and Romanian leaders had more valid and substantive causeto strike against the USSR in June 1941 than American leaders have had forlaunching a number of wars – including against Mexico in 1845, against Spain in1898, and against Iraq in 2003. In none of those cases did the country attackedby US military forces present a clear and present danger to the US, or a threatto vital American national interests.


BecauseHitler’s proclamation of June 22, 1941, and the German Foreign Officedeclaration of the same day, explain at some length the reasons and motives forthe fateful decision to strike against the USSR, these are documents ofhistoric importance. The texts of specially prepared translations of these twostatements are given below in full.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
While theprophecies of a French statesman [Georges Clemenceau] that there were twentymillion Germans too many – in other words, that this number would have to beeliminated by hunger, disease or emigration – were apparently being fulfilledto the letter, the National Socialist movement began its work of unifying theGerman people, and thereby initiating the resurgence of the Reich. This rise ofour people from distress, misery and shameful disregard was in the form of apurely internal renaissance. In no way did that affect, much less threaten,Britain.


Nevertheless,a new, hate-filled policy of encirclement against Germany began immediately.Internally and externally there came into being that plot, familiar to all ofus, between Jews and democrats, Bolsheviks and reactionaries, with the sole aimof inhibiting the establishment of the new German people’s state, and ofplunging the Reich anew into impotence and misery.


Apart fromus, the hatred of this international world conspiracy was directed againstthose nations that, like ourselves, were neglected by fortune and were obligedto earn their daily bread in the hardest struggle for existence.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Above all,the right of Italy and Japan, just as much as that of Germany, to share in thegoods of this world was contested and in fact was formally denied. The allianceof these [three] nations was, therefore, purely an act of self-protection inthe face of the egoistic global combination of wealth and power that threatenedthem. As early as 1936 [Winston] Churchill, according to statements by theAmerican General Wood before a committee of the American House ofRepresentatives, declared that Germany was once again becoming too powerful andmust therefore be destroyed.


In theSummer of 1939 the time seemed to have come for Britain to begin to realize itsintended annihilation by repetition of a comprehensive policy of encirclementof Germany. The plan of the campaign of lies staged for this purpose consistedin declaring that other people were threatened, in tricking them with Britishpromises of guarantees and assistance, and of getting them to go againstGermany, just as had happened prior to the [First] World War.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
I, on theother hand, have been striving for two decades, with a minimum of interventionand without destroying our production, to arrive at a new socialist order inGermany, one that not only eliminates unemployment but also permits theproductive worker to receive an ever greater share of the fruits of his labor.The achievements of this policy of national economic and social reconstruction– which strove for a true national community by overcoming rank and classdivisions – are unique in today’s world.


It wastherefore only with extreme difficulty that I brought myself in August 1939 tosend my [Foreign] Minister [von Ribbentrop] to Moscow in an endeavor there tocounter the British encirclement policy against Germany. I did this only out ofa sense of responsibility toward the German people, but above all in the hopeof finally, in spite of everything, achieving lasting easing of tensions and ofbeing able to reduce sacrifices that otherwise might have been demanded of us.


WhileGermany solemnly affirmed in Moscow that the designated territories andcountries – with the exception of Lithuania – lay outside any German political interests,a special [supplementary] agreement was concluded in case Britain were tosucceed in inciting Poland into actually going to war against Germany. In thiscase, as well, German claims were subject to limitations entirely out ofproportion to the achievements of the German forces.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
However,already during our advance in Poland, Soviet rulers suddenly, and contrary tothe treaty, also claimed Lithuania. The German Reich never had any intention ofoccupying Lithuania, and not only failed to present any such demand to theLithuanian government, but on the contrary refused the request of the thenLithuanian government to send German troops to Lithuania in that spirit forthat purpose as inconsistent with the aims of German policy.


Despiteall this I complied also with this fresh Russian demand. However, this was onlythe beginning of continually renewed extortions, which have been repeated eversince.


Thevictory in Poland, which was won exclusively by German troops, prompted me toaddress yet another peace offer to the Western powers [Britain and France]. Itwas rejected, due to the efforts of the international and Jewish warmongers.Already at that time the reason for this rejection lay in the fact that Britainstill had hopes of being able to mobilize a European coalition against Germany,which was to include the Balkans and Soviet Russia. It was therefore decided inLondon to send Mr. Cripps as ambassador to Moscow. He received clearinstructions under all circumstances to resume relations between Britain andSoviet Russia, and develop them in a pro-British direction. The British pressreported on the progress of this mission, except insofar as tactical reasonsdid not impose silence.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
While oursoldiers from May 10, 1940, onward were breaking Franco-British power in thewest, Russian military deployment on our eastern frontier was continuing to anever more menacing extent. From August 1940 onward I therefore considered it tobe in the interest of the Reich to no longer permit our eastern provinces,which moreover had been laid waste so often before, to remain unprotected inthe face of this tremendous deployment of Bolshevik divisions.


Thus, andjust as intended by this British-Soviet Russian cooperation, there came aboutthe tying up of such strong [German] forces in the east that a radicalconclusion of the war in the west, particularly as regards aircraft, could nolonger be vouched for by the German leadership. This, however, was in line withthe goals not only of British but also of Soviet Russian policy, for bothBritain and Soviet Russia intended to let this war go on for as long aspossible in order to weaken all Europe and render it ever more impotent.


Russia’sthreatened attack on Romania was in the last analysis equally intended to gainpossession of or, if possible, to destroy, an important base of the economiclife of not only Germany, but of all of Europe. Since 1933 the German Reichsought with boundless patience to win over states in southeastern Europe astrading partners. We therefore also had the greatest interest in their internalconsolidation and order. Russia’s advance into Romania and Greece’s alliancewith Britain threatened to quickly turn these regions as well into a generaltheater of war.


Contraryto our principles and customs, and at the urgent request of the then Romaniangovernment, which was itself responsible for this development, I advised thatit acquiesce to the Soviet Russian demands for the sake of peace, and to cede[the province of] Bessarabia. The Romanian government believed, however, thatit could answer for this before its own people only if Germany and Italy incompensation would at least guarantee the integrity of what still remained ofRomania. I did so with heavy heart, above all because when the German Reichgives a guarantee, that means it also abides by it. We are neither Englishmennor Jews.

我违反我们的原则和 惯,并应当时罗马尼亚政府的紧急要求,即罗马尼亚政府本身对这一事态发展负有责任,我建议它为了和平而默认苏联的要求,并割让(贝沙比拉省)。然而,罗马尼亚政府认为,它只有在德国和意大利至少需要提供补偿——保证罗马尼亚仍然留有完整性的情况下,才能在其人民面前做出这个答案。我是怀着沉重的心情这么做的,最重要的是,当德意志帝国做出保证时,这意味着它也会遵守它。因为我们既不是英国人也不是犹太人。

I stillbelieve at this late hour to have served the cause of peace in that region,albeit by assuming a serious obligation of our own. In order, however, finallyto solve these problems and achieve clarity concerning the Russian attitudetoward Germany, as well as under pressure of continually increasingmobilization on our eastern frontier, I invited Mr. Molotov to come to Berlin.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
美国【 Quora 】:如果没有发生一战和二战,世界会变成什么样子?

The world would in a few ways be very similar and in other ways be completely unrecognizable to us. The two global conflicts led to the fall of the mighty European Empire that dominated much of the world starting from the 1500s to the mid 1900s. France, Britain, Germany, Russia, Italy, Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands all still had significant territorial holdings that made them either major or middle powers before WWI started. Half a century after the First World War broke out, nearly all of these powers would lose all or nearly all their colonies. European Imperialism died not due to external factors but due to the conflicts between militarism, nationalism, liberalism, conservatism, fascism and communism which dominated the entire century.


WWI alone led to the collapse of four mighty empires, some of which had existed for more than half a millennia. The Austro-Hungarian Empire, ruled by the Habsburg Dynasty, and the Ottoman Empire, which once dominated the eastern Mediterranean, completely collapsed and lost all their former territories outside of their heartlands. The Russian Empire and the German Empires lost some significant territory but their successor states still had the potential to regain their prominence.
WWII signaled the end of European military domination of the world; after WWII, Britain and France, too exhausted from the fighting, began losing their key colonies. Meanwhile, Italy and Germany were too destroyed and fragmented to be of any threat to the superpowers, the United States, and the Soviet Union.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Before the outbreak of the First World War. With a few exceptions such as Japan and Ethiopia, most nationstates in this period had either been subjugated by the European empires, defeated to an extent or kept around to serve as a buffer state.
Let’s answer WWI first. Had World War One not broken out, or at least not on the four year long, tens of millions dead/crippled version that it did, then we can safely say that most of the European empires will not face exhaustion and will survive. Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire might still collapse in say the 1930s due to their own weaknesses, due I cannot see the Germans or the Russians be destroyed. The colonial situation in Africa and Southeast Asia will remain roughly the same.


Does the Great Depression still happen? If WWI doesn’t occur, it might be mothballed due all the various factors. If the Great Depression doesn’t occur, then we have no idea how Europe and the world will turn out. We might see a repeat of the late 1800s for all we know. Even if it does happen, there is no guarantee what might happen. I am convinced Fascism and Communism will grow in power, but I cannot be sure if Nazism could even rise to where it did, given how Germany was either not in a major war to begin with, or worse comes to worse was defeated in a minor war that reaped no major ill will towards the Western Allies.


So, in addition to European Imperialism still having strength, we also get no Nazis in this alternate universe.
A somewhat feasible scenario is that after the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empires collapse in say the late 1920s/early 1930s due to an economic collapse, we get a different version of WWI break out, except it might not be even labeled the “Great War”. Russia might try to expand its sphere of influence in the Balkans and the Black Sea, which makes France, Britain and Germany all balk. Russia tries to support Serbia, Bulgaria and the Greeks create Balkan Empires on the corpses of the Austrian and Turkish Empires in the mid 1930s. With no Austria left (the German Empire annexes it) and with the French and British fervently opposed to Russia dominating the Black Sea. The Germans however, while displeased by Russia, cannot tolerate any further French strength. This eventually snowballs into a German-Russian alliance.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
The German and Russian Empires’ allies include the Kingdom of Greece (which dominates Western Turkey as well due to Russian support), the Kingdom of Armenia (an excuse to take over Northeastern Turkey), the Kingdom of Bulgaria, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Arabs living in the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and the Levant.
Opposing Russia are the British Empire, the French Republic, the Kingdom of Italy, the Kingdom of Romania, the Kingdom of Hungary and the remnants of the Turkish independence movement led by Ataturk.


A long and brutal war occurs. It lasts three years and to an extent weakens Europe. France and Britain go toe to toe in the Western Front, but elsewhere the results are a rout for the French and the British. The Russians overwhelm Romania and Turkey through sheer brute strength and numbers. The Arab rebels overthrow the British and French sent to pacify the reason, while the Bulgarians, Greeks and Serbians defeat the Hungarians and Italians. By the conclusion of the conflict, the French and British agree to peace terms, which solidify the German claim on Alsace-Lorraine while also dismantling whatever ambitions they had for the Middle East and the Balkans.


Regardless, Japan continues to rise in the East. However, if we prevent WWII in terms of a Sino-Japanese War as well, then Chiang’s Nationalists will eventually crush the Communist and modernize China enough so that the Japanese will be forced to adopt a defensive posture. This will probably be possibly by the late 1940s. With no outbreak of WWII, whatever major wars happen might not have immediate aftereffects.
The European colonies on Africa last until say the mid 1980s to late 1990s. Germany is given a few colonies back for winning the “Black Sea War/Third Balkan War”, specifically German East Africa and Cameroon. France and Britain, angry for vengeance but not seeking it, try to hold onto their national pride by suppressing independence movements across the world.


Eventually, things turn really ugly in the late 1950s, early 1960s, when the Indian people finally try to seek independence through violence after the British refused to grant them the right to self-determination. British Raj becomes a bloodbath, as the Indian Revolution causes tens of millions of deaths due to widespread famine, massacres and overall violence between the British occupation force supported by Dominion and colonial troops against the Indian rebels covertly backed by the Russian Empire, the Japanese Empire and the Republic of China, all of which seek to weaken Britain.


The ten year long war, unofficially called the Bloody Decade, leads to the destruction of major cities such as Delhi, Hyderabad and Kolkata and concludes with British expulsion when the besieged armies in Bombay/Mumbai and the battered million men armies in Southern India and Bengal agree to withdraw. However, immediately after the British withdrew, Muslims and Hindus began fighting, which led to even more violence as the radicals spread more terror and chaos for another decade.
The Bloody Decade would be a horrifying example of the lengths Europeans would have gone to defend their empires had they still possessed the industrial, financial and military power capable of doing so. It was only the devastating nature of WWII and the horrors of warfare that convinced Europeans that they were in no way better than the “savages” they had been trying to civilize. Without WWI and WWII, expect the decolonization process to be far more bloody.


As for Communism and Fascism? I expect Communism will be the rallying cry of the decolonization movements. Yes, it was to an extent, but the United States was always around to try to counteract some of it.Sometimes sponsor capitalist freedom fighters and pressuring the British and French to cave in sometimes to the independence activists demands. With the U.S. likely not playing a role like the one it did, Communist will probably dominate the post-colonial African and Southeast Asian nations. Europe, North America and East Asia though will remain largely capitalist. Fascism will not be discredited as it was in our modern day era and might be going toe to toe with Democracies in say the South American region for all we know. I think it also might become prevalent in Southern Europe, but thats just a guess.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

What would the world be like if WWI and WWII never happened?::
The history of economic booms and busts of the XX century, long recessions and the Great Depression, would never have happened. There would be crisis, but national/regional, not global.
The US was the main industrial power already in 1914, but it wouldn’t have grown to become the world’s largest financial power; and Europe as a whole would have been much richer, with Franco-British capitals. Also, migration from Europe would be smaller, having demographic consequences for South Africa, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.


Also, a more stable world would have meant that the industrial shift from Western Europe and the US towards East Asia would have happened earlier: for example, large textile concerns still existed in the US and Western Europe, together with coal & steel, up until the 1960s and early 1970s. This shift would have happened as early as the 1940s in a world without the Great Wars.
Societal & technological progress would have been much slower: it’s perfectly factible that decolonization and national liberation movements would have started decades later, with Imperial Europe and Monroe US still going strong and imposing their rule over vast regions of Asia & Africa, and all Latin America. Oil, coal & steel still are very large industries; and local newspapers, radio & local broadband TV is still the norm: satellite telecommunications are still more sci-fi than reality.


Without the negative example of the Nazis, eugenics are a thing: most countries have mass programs of forced sterilization of people ‘who were born to be a burden on the rest’, and institutionalized racism would be still the rule.
A very different world.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

Technologically, psychologically, medically, nationally, economically, and other factors towards the wars and to address the question boldly would affect a lot of things that we have today.
Inventions of WWI:
* Gas Masks were invented during WWI.
* Traffic Lights.
* Twinkies
* Vegetarian Sausages
* Facial Reconstruction in the medical fields.
* Tampons.


To name a few inventions that we currently use that were from WWI.
WWI pioneered the notion of using Airplanes during wartime. The usage of chemical weapons. The development of Satellite communication. Machine guns were designed during this time. U-boats was another weaponized adapt towards the years throughout the war. The X-Ray was made during the war. Tanks were broadly used by a lot of countries during this time due to pushing the tide against entrenched enemies. WWI revolutionized medicine as a whole throughout the world (How World War I Advanced Medicine).


After WWII, German scientists were employed into American owned scientific branches for research and scientific discoveries regarding rocket technology, space science, genetics, and other fields of science. Without WWII, programs like United Nations wouldn’t be created under President Roosevelt which further followed under President Harry S. Truman. NASA wouldn’t be created, it was started when the National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) were working on rocket technology to have an edge of the Allied powers. And the adoption of Wernher von Braun, which is known as the father of rocket technology and space science in the United States in helping to the formation of NASA in the first place.
The Cold War wouldn’t happen. The tensions that lead to the Cold War started in the mist of WWII. The bombing of Japan or Pearl Harbor wouldn’t happen. The reelection of President Roosevelt wouldn’t happen.


The Russian Revolution wouldn’t fall to the Bolsheviks and the Czar of Russia would still be alive and not executed with his family. The Korean War (1950–53) wouldn’t happen, due to the war was during the Cold War Era. The factors of the Korean War was based on the adoption of the United States trying to keep Communistic ideology from spreading throughout Asia and the world. And Russia’s (Soviet Union at the time) influence with China and North Korea. It would prevent the overall tensions that we have in the Middle East currently. The Russian government invading into the Middle East and the turmoil that was caused and the bad-blood that was caused that we still see today. China wouldn’t be Communist as it is right now. Russia would still be under a monarchy. Joseph Stalin’s reign would be not enforced if the Russian Revolution of 1917 was enacted, without Germany’s influence with Vladimir Lenin on April 16, 1917.
So, to summarizes the numerous points that I landed out. Without WWI and WWII, the world would still have tensions between nations and hatred. And equally it would subtract a lot of things that were invented or developed that we still use today as a whole. There is both positive and negative factors that would happen without both of the World Wars. And countless lives would be saved.


楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Empires and Kingdoms still exist and are the primary form of government for most nations of the world.
Colonialism still exists, although it isn’t as brutal as it was before, as the concept of human rights and civil rights create more equal empires where native Europeans and Colonial subjects have mostly similar rights.
The British Empire holds the title of “The Greatest Empire Of The World” as it is the largest and strongest of the European powers, The Empire weakened and lost much of its colonies and wealth due to the world wars, so without the wars it is likely that the Empire would remain as the “sole superpower” of the world, like America is today.


America never experiences a boom which leads to the USA becoming a great superpower, the US wold mostly remain isolationist and would stay out of most world affairs, it would still however, hold a strong relationship with the Empire
Christianity becomes a much more prominent religion as the European colonists spread it even further in Asia and Africa.
The people of the world would be more collectivist rather than being more individualist.
Technology isn’t as advanced as it is today, things like the Nuclear bomb wouldn’t exist.
Warfare would be more old-styled, instead of the modern-day gritty urban warfare, war would be more “Gentlemanly”.





发表时间:2018-10-31 23:48:12

更新时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23


帖子来源:天涯  访问原帖




