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楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译熊 转载请注明出处

What if the Italian Army was Good in World War 2?


楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译熊 转载请注明出处

HAL 9000
How do you stop an Italian tank? Shoot thepeople pushing it.


Legio XXI Rapax
Said by an Americans that have lost thewars vs Canada, Mexico and Vietnam, having means and fire power that Italynever had. Comparing the two things and thinking that Italy fought 9 wars (7won) the real inept seems to me the Americans.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Legio XXI Rapax
Gamers Right: i suppose that what you saidis the only clever thing that will come out from your brain, ape

Brendan K 我想你说的话是你脑子里唯一能想到的聪明的东西,你就是弟弟/笑

HAL 9000
My point remains... we lost to Canada 200years ago, when Canada was protected by the dominant world superpower at thetime, the British Empire. As for Mexico, we didn't fully annex it because thenew land would have become slave states, which the North didn't like. We stilltook half of their territory though. So tell me, when did the US loose toMexico? (Not kidding, I actually want to hear) I think America is thedominant world superpower now is more due to its amazing geographicaladvantages, and massive population and economy then the reasons you cite. Butwe're still not as incompetent as Mussolini's Italy. Also, do you understandthat my original comment is a joke, like the ones at the beginning of thevideo?


Will Gregory
+Legio XXI Rapax you do realise a massivepercentage of Americans are descendants of Italians

Legio XXI Rapax 你确实意识到了大量美国人都是意大利人的后裔。
楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Vlad Melis
let him be ignorant,all the comments ofthis comment section are the same,maded by shits of an inferior race,just lookthey're ignorance


insert username here*
Vlad Melis, learn to take a joke


Blackwolfgoogol (Abdul54cp)1
Vlad Melis >tfw you insult people bycalling them a "lower race" when the germans thought you guys were a"lower race" the the british and french


I think he exagerated saying that, butstill no One gives 0 fuck about what the germans and the french thinks aboutsouthern european.



楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Seize the Memes of Production
And they're holding spaghetti instead ofguns


Tommaso Mazieri
North Korea best Korea yeah, and you guysholding long Black dicks in your mouths, so, meanwhile we were eatingspaghetti, you were eating something else. I hope you've understood that weitalians got tired of your jokes idiots...


The Truth
Italy did not have an adequate industrialbase in 1940 with which to fight a world war. They could not produce anywherenear what even Britain on her own produced in tanks, planes, guns and ships.Very drastic action was needed as soon as Italy entered the war - 24 hour shiftworking, moving factories underground, compulsory labour for women withoutchildren, etc. And even then this would not have been enough because of thelack of essential raw materials, especially coal, oil and iron ore. Also, Italydid not have sufficient proper production line factories - most of theirproduction happened in small workshops. In summary, Italy lost the war from dayone.

意大利一进入战争就需要采取非常激烈的行动- - 24小时轮班工作、将工厂移到地下、无子女妇女的强制劳动等等。
楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Sol Invictus
spent all its money for the Italo-Ethiopian war and for the Spanish Civil War.
Its army would haven't been ready for another war until 1944. However Germany
decided to declare war to Poland without consulting Italy and Italy was forced
to enter the war because of the Pact of Steel. I think it's more humiliating to
have the strongest army in the world and lose against the vietcong.


The Chihuahua Strangler
Invictus Like Russia in Afghanistan?


thing about the Vietcong was they got fucked up WAAAAAY more then the USA we
didn't lost that many compared to there loses. It's just the fact we lost
SOOOOOOO much support for the war at home cause the draft and the hippie
movement. Hard to continue the good fight against Communism and those filthy
reds when nobody wants to fight.


you fail at conquering Ethiopia.


Veneto Italiano
Italy conquered Ethiopia in 1936

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Veneto Italiano
Roots games Uk couldn't conquer Afghanistan, Soviet Union couldn't conquer
Finland and Afghanistan, Vietnam won against China, France and USA, France was
kicked out of Algeri, USA had to retreat from Somalia and Iraq. History is full
of super powers beated by smaller nations, are we going to say that USA, Soviet
Union, China, France and UK also suck?


many gears does an Italian tank have?....7...1 forward and 6 reverse


Doge di Amalfi
the French.


Legio XXI Rapax
brainless that is unable even to choice the right stereotypes. Ignorance is
eating your brain dude, but it's ok...is called "natural selection".


Lorenzo Notarianni
a FUCKING LAME old, old, old joke. Are you a 90 year old wearing dipers ?

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Iosip Stalin Account #266781689 here on Youtube
foxa yet bulgaria was there ally


cigarette smoking man
also made croatia an ally and drafted many many ukrainians


Tronald Drump
a lie. The Germans had no 'hate' for the Slavs. They they hated Slavic
communists, for being communists, but not for being Slavic.


Kaiser Reinhard von Lohengramm
Drump No. They did hate Slavs, and this is well documented even by pro-German
sources, the only time they worked with them was for desperation/convenience
(Bulgaria's land was needed to attack Greece and Yugoslavia, Slav volunteers in
the SS were permitted because of lack of manpower).

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:不爱睡觉的猪 转载请注明出处

Japanese people of reddit, how is WW2 Japan perceived by modern Japan?

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:不爱睡觉的猪 转载请注明出处

I'm Japanese. I grew up in the states, and visited Japan every 1-2 years. For the past 2 years I've been living in Tokyo because this would probably be the last chance I'll ever get to truly experience what it feels like to live in Japan.


Most people I meet (30s-60s) are generally not too attached to the outcome of the war. Many of them admit that the government was getting too powerful and committing atrocities throughout Asia. Some people think the Japanese are brainwashed into thinking that the atrocities did not happen (history book issue, etc.), but in reality, most Japanese people I meet understand that we killed many innocent people for the wrong reasons. Some people do state that Japan was "pushed into the war" through geopolitical tactics (Yasukuni Shrine stuff), but that is disputed.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
o be honest, no one really cares too much anymore. Post WW2, we experienced the benefits of capitalism and experienced a huge growth in the economy. Western culture seeped into Japan, through Hollywood movies and fashion, and nowadays Western countries are seen as cool/fashionable. The economic bubble finally popped and changed the culture quite a bit financially, but it's been so long that no one really thinks too much about WW2 anymore. On top of that, no one here speaks about political views/opinions very much. It's considered rude since you could potentially offend someone.


My grandfather was actually hit by the atomic bomb in Nagasaki when he was a child. He told me that, on that day, he was going to play baseball with his buddies. He forgot his bat and glove, so he headed back home to get all his stuff. That's when the bomb went off. He was within 1km of the hypocenter.


Apparently, there was a sudden white flash, and he was thrown against the wall of his room. He screamed for his mom, who survived that blast. She crawled towards him and they embraced. He got out with a fractured skull and backbone (I think). Then they headed out of Nagasaki.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
I always try to get more stories out of him, but all he says is, "I don't really remember. I think we...uhhhh...ate grasshoppers?" He moved back to Nagasaki after a few months to his burnt down home, and his family had to start from scratch. Schools were deserted, and 3/4 of the kids he knew were dead. I don't know much else, but eventually, he got married, had 3 kids (including my dad), and my dad had me. Most of us were born in the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Hospital.


Surprisingly, my gramps has no beef with America. If anything, he loves American culture. Whenever I visited him as a kid, he was watching Star Trek or a Mariners game. He always wore a Mariners cap and tried to speak basic English because he thought it was cool. I had moved to the states when I was 3, and gramps thought it was super cool. My grandma would call me when I was younger and would ask me to recite the Pledge of Allegiance on voicemail so she could put it on a tape recorder. My parents said she was always listening to it on her deathbed. (She died of cancer when I was in kindergarten)


注释:美国职业棒球强队有纽约洋基队(New YorkYankees)、波士顿红袜队(Boston RedSox) 和西雅图水手队(Seattle Mariners) 等。曾效力于西雅图水手队的铃木一郎在日本人心中地位很高,他是2001年美国棒球联盟新人王,这一年水手队拿下大联盟史上最多的116胜。2004年铃木一郎以破纪录最多的262支安打拿下安打王。

注释:美国《效忠誓词》 “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23

Sorry, that was a ton of information. But I hope it somehow answered the question.


There's a fascinating Quora post answering this question. Here's a snippet:
Instead of using the word “defeat”, “The End of War” is the title. The bomb and the Soviets broke the treaty of neutrality to invade Japan. With this sequences of sad news, the government held a meeting with the attendance of the Emperor. Opinions divided, but the prime minister obeyed the sacred decision of the emperor to accept the Potsdam Declaration. His Jewel Voice was broadcasted and the Japanese army put down the weapon and the war was ended.


注释:Jewel Voice Broadcast玉音放送,指广播二战时日本天皇宣读的《停战诏书》。由于日本天皇的声音首次向日本普通民众播出,所以天皇的声音就被敬称为“玉音”,“放送”是日语“广播”的意思,故称“玉音放送”。

And in another comment in the post:
The first thing a Japanese person would think of WW2 is not the damage that the Japanese military inflicted, but instead the sufferings and sacrifices the common citizens went through to support their troops, and the realization that they were living a lie when finding out that Japan was not as strong and invincible as they thought they were against the world.

楼主:楚天鸿烈  时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23
Generally very negatively. It was an oppressive regime. Some of the other commenters are right that a lot of the focus is on how it affected Japan's own people, but to an extent that's inevitable. What you have the most experience of is how something affected you. Especially in the decades following the war, Japan swung all the way in the other direction and became ardently pacifist, and very much against the WW2 era regime.
I think it's less so in recent years as there is a steady rightward shift in politics. But even among right wings who are not ideologically against it, I get the impression that the WW2 regime is at least seen as kinda incompetent.


I lived in Japan for many years, and worked in an adults only ESL school. This was a regular topic of conversation, and when I look back on all the discussions, I remain amazed at just how little your average Japanese person was taught (or knew) about Japan's role in WW2.





发表时间:2018-10-31 23:48:12

更新时间:2021-03-27 18:16:23


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